
1. Pandesmos
2. Cocytus
3. Phlegethon
4. Agathion
The Outer Planes
Manual of the Planes

Pandemonium is an underground realm, a great mass of matter
pierced by innumerable tunnels carved by the howling winds
of the plane. It is the plane of Chaos tinged by evil, in many ways
the opposite of Gladsheim. Whereas the realm of the Norse
powers consists of great spaces of air spanned by huge earthen
rivers, the lands of Pandemonium are huge dark caverns filled
with continual wind. Gravity is always away from the center of the cave,
so the traveller can walk on the walls, floors, and ceiling of a
cavern with equal ease. Rivers flow along the cave floor or
straight down the middle of the cavern through the air.

    Three wprds describe the four layers of Pandemonium: windy,
noisy, and dark. The plane of Pandemonium has not constant
sources of {light}. Normal fires are quickly xtinguished by the
wind. A {light} that lasts for any length of time is seen for miles in
the open tunnels, attracting those creatures that can normally see
in the dark. Infravision functions, but the spirits of the underworld
radiate no heat, so they cannot be detected in this fashion.

    The name Pandemonium is used as a by-word for thunderous
nosie, as every word, scream, or shout is caught by the strong wind
and flung through all the layers of the plane. Conversation
can only be accomplished by SHOUTING, and that is ineffectiv
beyond 10'. Spells that rely on sound reaching a TARGET (holy word,
the power words, and SHOUT for example) do NOT function
beyond 10'. Those whose ears are unprotected are rendered
temporarily deaf after xposure for <one> round, and permanently
deaf after xposure for <one> TURN. Ear plugs || similar devices
negate this effect, but the noise is still mind-shattering.

    Finally, the huge caverns (hundreds of miles across and high)
are filled with continual wind, which at its lowest point tugs at the
clothing as a strong breeze and at its highest (10% chance per 10
turns) can lift up to 100 lbs. in the air and carry it for 1d6 miles
(damage on landing is 4d6, subject to modifications for the terrain
in the landing AREA). Native creatures are immune to this effect.

    The layers of Pandemonium are four in #.
There is a gradual change in conditions from layer to layer.


is the topmost and most habitable layer of Pandemonium.
It is here that the Styx winds, fed by innumerable streams that trickle through the rocky wastes.
The caverns are largest here, spanning thousands of miles in width,
and the wind and noise are as described above.
Most of the natives and Deities known to exist in this plane live in these tunnels.
What great cities && citadels exist in this plane are found on Pandesmos.


Cocytus, the layer of lamentation, has smaller tunnels and the
wind that whistles through them has the sounds of cries and sorrows.
The noise is shriller in the layer of Cocytus, so that those
who are exposed to it for a single turn must save vs. spell or be
insane for 10d10 turns. Unlike the (dry) natural tunnels of Pandesmos,
the tunnels of Cocytus appear carved, and there are marks
of tools and chisels throughout its length. Who or what created
these tunnels is not known even by the gods.


is the layer of darkness. Its very walls are a dull
ebon black that swallows light and reflects nothing. All forms
of light, regardless of source, have their radii of illumination
halved here. Abilities such as infravision fail as well in this layer.
Phelgethon is a wet place, with numerous rivers and streams and
all forms of sedimentary formations (stalagmites, stalactites, and
curtains, for example) spring from the black rock.

is the deepest of the known layers of Pandemonium.
It is without tunnels. Instead, the plane is solid rock dotted by
great spherical bubbles. In those bubbles that have barriers
to the next layer, the wind swirls in circles, forming massive wind-storms
capable of flinging creatures of up to 400 pounds in
weight around for 1d6 points of damage per round. Those that
do not have barriers are worse, however, for they are filled
with stale air or vacuum (50% chance of each) and are often the final
resting places of monsters that the powers themselves do not wish

    The barriers between the layers are unmarked but usu.
indentifiable by the wind, which can pass between the layers w/
ease. A dead-end passage w/ a strong wind indicates a barrier
somewhere within that passage. The wind ccan carry flying (or
unfastened) items between the planes.

    The portals uppermost layers of Pandemonium lead to
Limbo, the topmost layer of the Abyss, and Concordant Opposition.
These portals are always flat squares in the sides of the
caverns. Yellow squares usu. lead to Limbo, red to the Abyss,
and black to Concordant Opposition. There is a 20% chance,
however, that a traveller passing through a portal will end up on
one of the other 2wo planes instead (50% chance for each).


    Pandemonium has no known native life; the beings that live
here are usu. immigrants, exiles, or marooned creatures from
other planes. Most of the various non-name demons make their
homes here, and the occasional demon-lord-in-exile has a hiding
place in the realms. Quasits && shadow demons are found in
abundance, but again, they are not natives to the plane.

    Of the Deities of Pandemonium, one is a temporary visitor as
well. Loki of the Norse pantheon uses part of the upper layer for
his Hidden Realm, where he works on his magery and plots far
from the prying eyes of his fellow gods. Loki's Hidden Realm can
be spotted for miles, for it is a glittering palace of white crystal
that pierces the darkness of the plane and illuminates a thousand
miles about itself. Loki is served in his palace by evil einheriar. He
refers to his realm as the anti-podes of Valhalla. The traveller
drawn by the {light} should be warned that within Pandemonium
more of Loki's true evil nature comes forth, unrestrained by the
presence of the REST of his pantheon. In the heart of Loki's realm is
a portal that skips over Limbo entirely and reaches to somewhere
in Jotenheim in the plane of Gladsheim.

Tuonela, the realm of Tuonetar and Tuoni, gods of the Finnish
underworld, is ringed by the river Manala, which flows into the
Styx. The waters of the Manata are crimson with black swells of
wave. Those who drink || touch it are drained of desire, so that
they can neither FIGHT, eat, nor see purpose in life. Those so
afflicted waste away and perish (a successful save
negates this, as does a remove curse). Tuonela is a grim realm of
those living && dead who have drunk of the Manala's water,
ruled from a great black house where Tuonetar and Tuoni live,
occasionally hosting their many daughters, who include Kiputytto
of Tarterus and Loviatar of Gehenna.

    Anshar, the Babylonian god of dark and night, was once the
supreme deity of the Babylonian (and some add the Sumerian)
mythos, yet gave his power to Anu (and Enlil) and passed into
retirement. Anshar's estate in Pandemonium is a great city
between walls that {run} the entire circumference of its cave. It is
topped by a great citadel whose tip reaches the center of the cavern
itself. Anshar is served by spirits of the most ancient type,
dressed in archaic clothing and speaking tongues now dead &&
buried, but similar in description to Anu's warriors from Nirvana.

    There is a lesser god of Pandemonium, Hruggek of the Bugbears,
who makes his abode in a great fortres where one tunnel
of wind spills into another, larger tunnel of wind. Hruggek's realm is
decorated w/ the grisly trophies of those who have intruded.
He is served by the spirits of those bugbears that were sufficiently
merciless enough to qualify as his servants. Hruggek's
bugbear servants are the equivalents of bugbear chiefs from the MM <link to bugbear chief statblock>
SAVE that, being spirits, they are immune to
enchantment && charm magick.

