Appendix 1: 0-Level Characters

The Fledgling Character Raising Ability Scores Alignment Specialized Abilities Luck
Locating Instructors - - - -
Class Skills and Proficiencies Clerical Skills Druidic Skills Fighting Skills Magical Skills
Thieving Skills Monk Skills - - -
Proficiencies - - - -
Languages - - - -
Combat and Wounds - - - -
Equipment and Money - - - -
Using Magical Equipment - - - -
Joining a Character Class - - - -
Skills From Other Character Classes Cleric and Druid Skills Fighter Skills Magic-User Skills Thieves
Monks - - - -
NPCs - - - -
Oriental Characters - - - -
Acting as DM for Zero-Level Characters - - - -


Morality Chart
Alignment Tendency Evil Neutral Good
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

Ethics Chart
Alignment Tendency Chaotic Neutral Lawful
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

Study Time Table
Type of Skill Study <(Instruction)> Points for Success
CAVALIER 6 (guess)
Paladin  8
Druid  6
Barbarian 4 (guess)
Ranger 7
Illusionist 6
Assassin 6 (guess)
BARD 10 (guess)

Luck Roll
01-10 Terible Failure
11-55 Failure
56-80 Partial Success
81-87 Learning
88-95 Insight
96-100 Great Insight

0-level characters can attempt the abilities of other classes during the game

Learning Roll
01-10  Terrible Failure
11-49 Failure
50-75 Partial Success
76-85 Learning
86-97 Insight
98-100 Great Insight


For those not familiar with it, I think this is how it works (perhaps I should field a query over at Jim's Q&A thread):

Table of Contents
1. Start
2. AP (Attribute Points)
3. Class Skills
    3a. Study
    3b. Luck
    3c. Class Skills: Attempt Tables
4. Alignment
5. Instructors
6. Proficiencies
7. Languages

1. Choose race
2. Roll age (use lowest category, though this is not specified)
3. Roll height & weight (DMG.12)

3. Roll social class (UA.82)
4. Roll birth rank (UA.83)
(Note: For characters from the Free City of Greyhawk, 3&4 can be replaced with the tables on page 12 of Gem of the Flanaess).

5. Roll secondary skill (DMG.12)
6. Roll for Aptitude Points (GHA.117) : 90 + 1d20
7. All abilities start out at 3.
8. Comeliness (UA.6) starts out at 3d6 (guess), but may be raised.
8. HP start out at 3.
9. Raise abilities to racial minimums (spend AP to do this).
10. Choose Ethics & Morality scores (equiv. to alignment, on a scale of basically 0-20, with 10 being neutral) : default = E10 M10

* 1/week you may assign 1 to 8 AP to a single ability score or HP
* HP can be raised to 18 through AP

* 0-level characters may STUDY class-based skills of up to 12th level (learning)
* 0-level characters may attempt class class-based skills of up to 12th level (luck)

* you must study at least 1 hour per day
* you gain 1 IP per week of study (Instruction Point)
* every 6 IP uses up 1 AP

Cavalier = 6 (guess)
Paladin = 8
Cleric = 4
Druid = 6
Fighter = 2
Barbarian = 4 (guess)
Ranger = 7
Magic-User = 6
Illusionist = 6
Thief = 3
Assassin = 6 (guess)
Monk = 10
Bard = 10 (guess)

3b. LUCK
* 1/day per class skill, you may ATTEMPT to use that skill with luck
* you gain IP on a successful ATTEMPT (when you rely on luck): 3, 6, 9, or 12
* you may ATTEMPT a class skill that you have IP in (no limit in times per day)
* earning 1 IP takes 1 week
* studies for a class skill must be consecutive (ie. 2 consecutive weeks for a fighter ability).
* if not consecutive, then the lessons for a class skill are remembered for 3 x IP in months (ie. a character who has earned 6 IP towards a monk skill keeps those points for 18 months)


ATTEMPT (trusting to LUCK)
01-10 = Terrible Failure
11-55 = Failure
56-80 = Partial Success, 2 PIP
81-87 = Learning, 3 PIP
88-95 = Insight, 4 PIP
96-100 = Great Insight, 6 PIP

* when making an ATTEMPT through luck, note any 'PIP' gains. these are Potential IP (PIP), not actual IP. they turn into actual IP if that class skill is studied. remember that every 6 IP uses up 1 AP.

* Luck rolls: for cleric skills, alignment must match that of the deity that they are appealing to.
* Luck rolls: to turn undead, a holy symbol is needed
* Luck rolls: for MU spells, a spellbook is needed
* Luck rolls: for thief skills, a thieves' kit is needed

ATTEMPT (using IP)
01-10 = Terrible Failure
11-49 = Failure
50-75 = Partial Success, 3 IP
76-85 = Learning, 6 IP
86-97 = Insight, 9 IP
98-100 = Great Insight, 12 IP

* a character may use IP to attempt a class skill. (IP do not get used up: the numbers there are minimums). if has enough IP for the result, it happens.

* Partial Success = the character may perform this ability as a 1st level character
    * Partial Success = if the character gains this result through luck, they earn 2 IP on their first week of study for this class skill (PIP=2)
* Learning = the character may perform this ability as a 1st level character
    * Learning = if the character gains this result through luck, they earn 3 IP on their first week of study for this class skill (PIP=3)
* Insight = the character may perform this ability as a 12th level character.
    * Insight = if a WP (weapon proficiency), the character attacks as a 12th level character.
    * Insight = NWPs (non-weapon proficiencies) can be performed with a -4 bonus to the roll.
    * Insight = after 1 hour per point of intelligence, the character forgets the special insight.
    * Learning = if the character gains this result through luck, they earn 4 IP on their first week of study for this class skill (PIP=4)
* Great Insight = the character gains all of the advantages of Insight, above, and retains them for 1 week per point of intelligence
    * Great Insight = if this ability was gained through luck, the ability is retained for 2 weeks (4 weeks for MU spells).


5 or less = chaotic
6-14 = neutral
15+ = lawful

5 or less = evil
6-14 = neutral
15+ = good

* Sages have the same % chance to be able to teach a skill as the % chance to provide Exact information in the relevant Special Category (add Weapons & Warfare and Crime & Criminals)
* Colleges might charge as much as 500 gp per year in tuition
* Note that colleges exist in The City of Greyhawk, as well as the huge pyramid that is The Greyhawk University of Magic Arts (CoG.G.GotF.5)

* The cost of learning 1 proficiency is 1 AP per proficiency and it takes 2 weeks of instruction to pick up.
* The non-proficiency penalty for a 0-level character is -3.
* No character may ever specialize in more than 2 weapons.

* Every character begins knowing 1 language, the local Common tongue.
* New languages may be studied as 1-slot proficiencies (study time = 1 week if the character is surrounded by native speakers).
* Characters cannot rely on Luck to use a language until they have heard it spoken for 1 hour.
* Insight  lets a character pretend to be a native by making a successful Intelligence check on a 1d20.


CAVALIER SKILLS (6 IP each, unless noted) (guess)
AP = 72 (before HP)
s15, i10, w10, d15, c15, ch6 = 53 AP

* exceptional strength = 2
* +3/+4 bonus for exceptional strength = 2
* multiple attacks against 0 level opponents = 2

* weapon of choice = 6
* damage bonus with lance = 6
* parrying = 6
* mounted combat attack bonus = 6
* stable seat (unlikely to be thrown from the saddle) = 6
* appraise horses = 6
* improve strength = 6
* improve dexterity = 6
* improve constitution = 6
* immune to fear = 6
* protection from fear aura = 6
* 90% immunity to mind-affecting spells or powers = 6
* +2 saves vs. illusion spells = 6
* function at -HP = 6
= 84 weeks (14 AP)

3*+ horsemanship abilities

PALADIN SKILLS (8 IP each, unless noted)
AP = 95 (before HP)
s15, i10, w13, d15, c15, ch17,

* exceptional strength = 2
* +3/+4 bonus for exceptional strength = 2
* multiple attacks against 0 level opponents = 2

* detect evil = 8
* +2 saving throws = 8
* immune to disease = 8
* lay on hands = 8
* cure disease = 8
* protection from evil = 8
= 54 weeks (9 AP)

* weapon of choice = 6
* damage bonus with lance = 6
* parrying = 6
* mounted combat attack bonus = 6
* stable seat (unlikely to be thrown from the saddle) = 6
* appraise horses = 6
* improve strength = 6
* improve dexterity = 6
* improve constitution = 6
* immune to fear = 6
* protection from fear aura = 6
* 90% immunity to mind-affecting spells or powers = 6
* +2 saves vs. illusion spells = 6
* function at -HP = 6
= 132 weeks (14 AP)

* use holy sword

3* turn undead
9* cast spells

* whenever paladin abilities are used, add 1 point to E & M

CLERIC SKILLS (4 IP each = 8 weeks) (req: alignment tendencies must match that of deity)
AP = 8

* turn undead
* cast spells

* using a cleric skill modifies both E&M 1 point towards a deity's alignment
* 0 level clerics can cast 1 cleric spell per day, or 2 if they have a Wisdom of 14+
* "Great Insight" allows a character to cast any 1 spell as a 12th level character : this spell may be as high as 6th level in power
* Casting a spell more than once costs 1 AP
* Each time a spell is cast, roll 1d20 : if the result is above Wis, the spell fails, and a small boil appears on the character's forehead, reducing Comeliness by 1 point for the rest of the day
* Characters automatically fail this check if they have broken clerical codes in the last 24 h.
* A minimum Wis of 9 is needed to learn & cast clerical spells

DRUID SKILLS (6 IP each, unless noted)
AP = 18

* cast spells
* Druidic (1 IP, as language)
+2 saves vs. fire & lightning

3* identify plants
3* identify animals
3* identify pure water
3* 'pass without trace'
7* immunity to woodland charm
7* shapechanging

3*+ additional language

* 0 level dcharacters can cast 1 druid spell per day, or 2 if they have a Wisdom of 14+ : the other details of spellcasting are generally as for clerics, above
* The required Wisdom check to cast a spell automatically fails if they have worn metal armor or used forbidden weapons in the last 24 hours
* Casting a spell more than once costs 1 AP

AP = 8

* exceptional strength: 2 IP
* +3/+4 bonus for exceptional strength: 2 IP
* fight at a given ability level: 2 IP
* multiple attacks against 0 level opponents = 2

* weapon proficiencies
* weapon specialization

* a warrior cannot gain exceptional strength until he attains 18 Strength
* a result of "Great Insight" on the Learning Table automatically results in a Strength of 18/00

BARBARIAN SKILLS (6 IP each, unless noted) (guess)
AP = 55
s15, i6, w6, d14, c15, ch6 = 44

* exceptional strength = 2
* +3/+4 bonus for exceptional strength = 2
* multiple attacks against 0 level opponents = 2

* AC bonus = 6
* Con bonus = 6
* saving throw bonuses = 6
* climb cliffs & trees = 3
* hide in natural surroundings = 3
* surprise others = 6
* less chance to be surprised = 6
* back protection = 6
* leaping & springing = 6
* detect illusion = 6
* detect magic = 6
* leadership = 6
* survival (1 AP, 1 week)
* first aid (1 AP, 1 week)
* tracking (1 AP, 1 week)
* outdoor craft = 6
= 79 weeks, 11 AP

(*) animal handling
(*) horsemanship
(*) long distance signaling
(*) running
(*) small craft, paddled
(*) small craft, rowed
(*) sound imitation
(*) snare building

4* strike creatures immune to normal weapons

* note that barbarians do not need to train as other characters do

RANGER SKILLS (7 IP each, unless noted)
* exceptional strength = 2
* +3/+4 bonus for exceptional strength = 2
* multiple attacks against 0 level opponents = 2

* damage bonus to giant-types = 7
* surprise others = 7
* less chance to be surprised = 7

* tracking = 1 AP (1 week)

= 27 IP, 28 weeks

8* druidic spells
9* MU spells

MAGIC-USER SKILLS (6 IP each) (req: intelligence of at least 9 to learn magic-user spells)

* cast spells
= 6

* 0-level magic-users can memorize no more than 1 1st level or 4 0-level spells per day
* "Insight" allows a MU to cast 1 spell as if he was 12th level (this includes spells up to the 6th level)
* It costs 1 AP per spell learned and used more than once
* whenever a novice tries to cast a spell other than a cantrip, roll a 1d20 Intelligence check
* if armor has been worn in the last 24 h, then apply a +3 penalty to this check
* roll on the Learning Table when memorizing ; roll a 1d20 Intelligence check while casting (if the Intelligence check fails, then you may try again next round)
*  read magic, identify, detect magic, and erase are commonly taught

* cast spells
= 6

THIEF SKILLS (3 IP each) (min. Dex of 9 to use)
* pick pocket = 3
* open locks = 3
* find/remove traps = 3
* move silently = 3
* hide in shadows = 3
* hear noise = 3
* climb walls = 3
* back stab = 3
* set traps = 3
= 27 weeks (4 AP)

4* read languages
10* use scrolls

* thieves cant (1 week, 1 AP)

* semi-formal burglary schools allow 1 extra IP per month

ASSASSIN SKILLS (6 IP each, unless noted) (guess)
class skills = 3 AP

* back stab = 3
* assassinate = 6
* disguise = 6
* spying = 6
= 21 IP, 21 weeks

3* pick pocket
3* open locks
3* find/remove traps
3* move silently
3* hide in shadows
3* hear noise
3* climb walls

9* speak alignment languages
9* use poison

MONK SKILLS (10 IP each, unless noted) (guess)

* extra weapon damage = 10
* open hand attacks (incl. chance for stunning & killing) = 10
* evasion = 10
* increased movement = 10
* open locks = 3
* find/remove traps = 3
* move silently = 3
* hide in shadows = 3
* hear noise = 3
* climb walls = 3
= 61 IP, 61 weeks

2* AC reduction
2* less chance to be surprised

3* A: speak with animals

4* B: mask mind
4* slow fall

5* immune to disease, unaffected by haste or slow

6* feign death

7* heal damage

8* speak with plants

9* mental resistance

10* mental resistance (vs. telepathy & mind blast)

11* immune to poison

12* immune to geas & quest

13* quivering palm

* each use of a monkish power adds 1 to your Ethics score

BARD (10 IP each, unless noted)

They're not my favorite 0-level rules, but probably the most challenging to implement.
They're OK for a couple of sessions for a change, but I would recommend (for a module campaign), after the players have 'graduated' through the 0-level characters, return to starting characters at level 1 again.

Another option is to use these rules like the Traveller character generation system, where you are building your character up from scratch.
I'd recommend the CITY OF GREYHAWK, in any case, for some 0-level characters, so they can name their tutors (contacts / trainers) for later.


To note, there are 5 0-level adventures for AD&D that I know of:

Horse Sense
Beam me Up
N4 Treasure Hunt
WG7 Castle Greyhawk (first adventure)
WG8 Fate of Istus (first adventure)

The time required to learn a class may be of interest to those who intend to dual-class.

Morality Chart
Alignment Tendency Evil Neutral Good
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

Ethics Chart
Alignment Tendency Chaotic Neutral Lawful
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

Luck Roll
01-10 Terible Failure
11-55 Failure
56-80 Partial Success
81-87 Learning
88-95 Insight
96-100 Great Insight

0-level characters can attempt the abilities of other classes during the game

Learning Roll
01-10  Terrible Failure
11-49 Failure
50-75 Partial Success
76-85 Learning
86-97 Insight
98-100 Great Insight


This alternate is a point-based character creation system.
It generates characters more powerful than the average AD&D character.
By 1st level, a character could:
* conceivably start with 18 HP
* have a class ability at 12th level

1. Social Class
1a. Birth rank
2. Race
3. Height
4. Weight
5. Age
6. Social Class
7. Determine AP
8. Raise to racial minimums
9. Raise to class minimums
10. Determine HP
11. Pay for class
11a. Roll for each ability, until it is learned
11b. Roll for abilities from other classes, if desired
14. Pay for proficiencies
15. Spend any remaining AP, or convert it into XP
16. Equipment
16. Done. Your character still needs to train to achieve 1st level

If at any time, you run out of AP, you need to back up one step

Each character begins with 90 + 1d20 AP.

Abilities start at 3

Costs 1 AP to improve an ability by 1 point
Costs 1 AP per HP (18 max.)

E = 1-5 (avg 3)
N = 6-15 (avg 11)
G = 16-20 (avg 18)
C = 1-5 (avg 3)
N = 6-15 (avg 11)
G = 16-20 (avg 18)

Luck Roll
01-10 Terible Failure
11-55 Failure
56-80 Partial Success
81-87 Learning
88-95 Insight
96-100 Great Insight

0-level characters can attempt the abilities of other classes during the game

Learning Roll
01-10  Terrible Failure
11-49 Failure
50-75 Partial Success
76-85 Learning
86-97 Insight
98-100 Great Insight

Roll once for each ability.

Terrible Failure =
Failure = nothing happens
Partial Success = ability succeeds (roll again)
Success = ability learned
Insight= ability learned, use as a 12th level character at 0 level
Great Insight = ability learned, use as a 12th level character

Exceptional Strength =
Constitution Bonus =
Detect Evil =
+2 Saves =
Immune to Disease =
Lay Hands
Cure Disease
Protection from Evil
[3] Turn Undead
[4] Call Warhorse
[9] Cleric Spells
Use Holy Sword

* Cast Spells = 4
* Turn Undead = 4
[8] Establish Shrine
[9] Establish Temple

DRUID = 18
Cast Spells = 6
Speak Druidic = 6
+2 Saves vs. Fire & Lightning = 6
[3] Identify animals
[3] Identify plants
[3] Identify pure water
[3] Pass without trace
[3] Speak another language
[7] Immunity from charm spells
[7] Shape change

Exceptional Strength = 2
Constitution Bonus = 2

Exceptional Strength = 2
Constitution Bonus = 2
+1 per level damage vs. humanoids
Tracking = 1
[8] Druidic spell casting
[9] MU spells
[10] Magic item use
[11] Followers

MAGE (6)
Cast Spells

Open Locks = 3

Weapon Damage = 10

MC: The


* Each character begins the game with 90 + 1d20 aptitude points.

* Attribute penalties, however, such as a halfling's -1 on strength, never cause a score to fall below three.
* A newly created dwarf, for example, has a charisma score of three (the -1 penalty cannot be applied yet) and a constitution score of four (one bonus point).
* No amount of aptitude can give a zero-level character more than 18 hit points, or an attribute score above the racial maximum.
* Gray elves can have intelligence scores of 19, but all other characters are limited to attribute scores of 18 or less.
* The ability to gain three hit points for constitutions of 17, or four at 18 is a special ability of fighters, just like exceptional strength, so zero-level characters aren't eligible for the special bonus.
* A zero-level character can never have more than 18 hit points at one time.

* On a scale of 1 to 20, higher numbers indicate greater commitment to law or good, with 10 in the middle.

Morality Chart
Alignment Tendency Evil Neutral Good
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

Ethics Chart
Alignment Tendency Chaotic Neutral Lawful
Score 5 or less 6-14 15 and above

* Characters might try to learn abilities of up to 12th level in difficulty, but they will almost never succeed at anything more than that which a first-level character would do.
* When he tries to use these abilities, the zero level character must try to roll on the Learning Table on page 119 to see how successful he is.
* The first level cleric couldn't turn the vampire, but the zero-level cleric might turn the vampire as a 12th level cleric just because the vampire was so surprised!

* A character experimenting with thief skills can try his luck ocne when picking a pocket, again when climbing a wall, and again when trying to hide in shadows, but he can't try to pick more than oen pocket, using luck, in a 24 hour period.

Luck Roll
01-10 Terible Failure
11-55 Failure
56-80 Partial Success
81-87 Learning
88-95 Insight
96-100 Great Insight

0-level characters can attempt the abilities of other classes during the game

* Insight: The novice not only succeeds with the skill, but uses it as a 12th-level character.
* If the skill in question is a weapon proficiency, the character attacks as a 12th-level fighter with a weapon specialty.
* NWPs can be performed with a bonus of -4 to the die roll.

* Great Insight: The character can perform the task he was trying when he achieved great insight at the 12th level for two weeks even if he has never studied that skill.
* For example, if a cleric was trying to turn undead and achieved great insight, he could turn undead as a 12th level cleric (but could not necessarily perform any other clerical functions at 12th level).

Study Time Table
Type of Skill Study <(Instruction)> Points for Success
CAVALIER 6 (guess)
Paladin  8
Druid  6
Barbarian 4 (guess)
Ranger 7
Illusionist  6
Assassin  6 (guess)
MONK  10
BARD  10 (guess)

Learning Roll
01-10  Terrible Failure
11-49 Failure
50-75 Partial Success
76-85 Learning
86-97 Insight
98-100 Great Insight

* When a zero-level character earns six points toward magic use, for example, and then stops studying magic, he remembers his lessons for 18 months.
* Sages have the same cahnce to teach a skill as they have to provide exact information about it.
* For example, a sage with the major field of humankind has a 57%-60% chance of understanding a clerical spell well enough to teach it (using the special category Theology & Myth) and an equal chance to teach pickpocketing (using the new category, Crime & Criminals).

* A college might charge as much as 500 gp per year in tuition, but nobles might grant scholarships to promising students.
* Wealthy PCs who cannot find a college but scoff at apprenticeship might hire tutors, who will cost at least 100 gp per month.

* Zero-level characters can cast one first-level clerical spell per day, or two spells if they have wisdom scores of 14 or higher.
* Results of "great insight" on the Learning Table allow characters to cast any one spell as if a 12th level cleric.
* Each time a spell is cast, zero-level characters must roll 1d20.
* Characters automatically fail this check if they have broken clerical codes within the past 24 hours.
* Zero-level characters with wisdom scores of 12 or less check for spell failure normally (see the Player's Handbook).

* This check automatically fails if the character wore metal armor or used forbidden weapons in the past 24 hours.

* A character cannot attain exceptional strength until he or she has a strength score of 18.
* When the character successfully learns the methods of increasing one's muscles, a result of "great insight" on the Learning Table automatically confers a score of 00 to strength.

"Insight" lets characters cast one spell as if they were 12th level, but the character will not receive a full 12th level mage's full selection of spells.

Q: Can zero-level characters, as described
in Appendix 1 of the book
GREYHAWK® Adventures, retain and
use abilities from other classes once
they choose a class? Once they pick
a class, can they use unspent attribute
points for additional abilities?
A: Once a zero-level character chooses a
class, he can keep abilities from other
classes only so long as he pays the experience
penalty from the table on page 125,
and so long as he practices the skill between
levels. If the character gains a new
level for any reason without practicing the
skill at least once, the skill is lost. All unspent
attribute points are immediately
converted to experience points, at the rate
of 10 xp per ap, when the character
chooses a class. Once these remaining
attribute points are converted, the character
cannot gain new skills from other
character classes.

Q: How can zero-level characters
accumulate so many hit points, then
abruptly lose them when ?advancing
? to first level? Are the experience
penalties on page 125 cumulative?
If so, what happens to a character
who has penalties totalling
more than 100%? What constitutes
practicing a skill?
A: Zero-level characters are untried, enthusiastic,
and flexible; this gives them leave
to obtain a whole range of abilities that
less callow adventurers can?t get (as explained
on pages 117-118). However, the
shortcuts, blind stabs, and side explorations
beginners make must be abandoned
if they are ever to become really skilled at
anything. Thus characters have to do a
little backstepping when they reach first
level. The experience penalties are cumulative,
but optional. A character can drop a
skill and avoid the experience penalty at
any time. In the case of penalties totalling
more than 100%, the character must abandon
skills until the penalties total 100% or
less. DMs are free to set their own standards
for skill practice. I suggest the characters
practice their skills during
nonadventuring time according to the
rules on page 119. The character must
accumulate as many study points as originally
required to learn the skill, and retains
the knowledge for three months per
study point earned. If a character successfully
uses a skill one or more times during
an adventure, extend his knowledge one

Michael Komarck - Skeeve's Spell



Rowena Morrill - The art of - Queensblade

remember: there is a 0level.notes.htm file