Bigby’s Force Sculpture (Evocation)

Level: 4 (+) (++)
Range: 30yds
Duration: 1 turn/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This very flexible spell
enables the mage to create a visible plane of force that can
be shaped into any form the caster wishes.

The caster could
create a table, ladder, club, bucket, stilts, or cane, for example.
Once an object is formed, it retains its form for the
duration of the spell. The object imitated must be fairly
rigid, can have no moving parts, cannot have a sharp point
or edge, and cannot possess finely detailed features. A rope,
long bow, sword, chariot, or accurate statue cannot be created
with the spell. All objects formed out of force cannot be
harmed by physical attacks, but can be dispelled by magical
attacks that inflict more points of damage to the object
than the creator’s HP. Up to one cubic foot of matter
per level of the caster can be simulated.

MC: A lump of soft clay with diamond dust
mixed into it.