
Drawmij's Scent Mask

L^: mu2
R#: Touch
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 2s
S^: None
A^: 1 creature/level

Effect: This spell will conceal all odors emanating from a creature for the duration of the spell.
If cast upon the mage or another person, that person cannot be detected by scent.

The recipient of this spell cannot be tracked by an animal that uses its sense of smell to track, such as a bloodhound.
If cast upon a creature that uses odor as a weapon or form of defense, the spell negates the odor if the creature fails a save versus spells.
The musky odor of a skunk or wolverine or the stench of a troglodyte could be suppressed by this spell.

MC: The material component is a scentless flower.
