Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 2
Range: 10 yds/level
Duration: 1 turn/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature

When the mage casts this
spell, the ears of the target creature are filled with exotic
tones no one else can hear. Unless the creature makes its
saving throw, the creature will lose all memory of nonweapon
proficiencies known by the creature, and any
attempt to use such a proficiency will meet with automatic
failure. If the creature’s save is successful, the creature
merely suffers a + 2 penalty to the chance of success with a
non-weapon proficiency for the duration of the spell.

MC: A string from a sitar and a wooden mallet.