Timitrios Spartakos

Magic-User -- Great Kingdom
AC 3 (bracers of defense, AC 3); MV 12”; MU 6; hp 19; #AT

1; Dmg by weapon or spell type (staff, dart, dagger); Str 4,
Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 12, Con 9, Cha 8; THACO 19; AL CN;
SA spells: 4-lst, 2-2nd, 2-3rd; SD magic items

Timitrios Spartakos was born in the capital city of the
Great Kingdom, Rauxes, to shabby but genteel parents.
His father had been a minor nobleman until a relative’s
conviction for treason was the family’s undoing. Timitrios
Spartakos grew up on the streets until a family friend used
influence to get him accepted for training with the great
Jaran Krimeeah. This was a great honor, for Jaran Krimeeah
was a relative of the Imperial family, and could be
very choosy about his pupils. With the cynicism of a streetsmart
child, young Timitrios waited to find out just what
price would be exacted for his good fortune.

On the fist night with his new master, Timitrios found
out. An agent of the Imperial Secret Police, posing as Jaran
Krimeeah‘s butler, interviewed him in his room at the
mage’s house. His position as apprentice-mage brought
him deep into his master’s confidence. The “butler” forced
the youth to agree to report any suspicious conversations.
Jaran Krimeeah was politically suspect because he was a
relative of the Imperial family. The secret police’s web
around him was fairly tight, but unobtrusive enough that
the arrogant mage did not seem to be aware of it. There was
evidence that the mage was plotting a coup d’etat, and he
would be most likely to confide in his apprentice. Timitrios
was to report everything he heard to the Secret Police.

The boy took to his new double life with glee. He felt a
malicious sort of power to be able to mislead the foremost
mage of the Empire. He also liked being a secret agent for
the Imperial Secret Police, sending secret messages that
were read by high Imperial officials.

As the Secret Police expected, Jaran Krimeeah began
plotting a coup. He confided in his apprentice at every step,
being unable to resist bragging. Timitrios swiftly learned
how to draw his master out, and his reports to the Secret
Police were full of exact details on the planned coup.

When Jaran Krimeeah was arrested, Timitrios Spartakos
was a primary witness against him. The mage, confined
in locked plate armor (as was the custom in the Great
Kingdom when trying a mage), listened helplessly as his
traitorous apprentice dissected his attempted coup d’etat
in fine detail. At his conviction, he shrieked threats to
avenge himself against all whom he felt had a part in his
downfall, and Timitrios Spartakos was his main target.

After Jaran Krimeeah was exiled, the Imperial Secret
Police gave their favored spy an amulet of proof against
location in recognition of the fact that an angry mage could
easily carry out his revenge. They also gave young Timitrios
an opportunity to study with a famous mage.

Timitrios was happy to continue his studies, but he quickly
found that his teacher was quite unworldly, and did not pay
much attention to his young pupils when they were outside of
class, so the students were left to their own devices. Unsupervised,
Timitrios took to drinking-just for the fun, he said.

When he learned that some of his fellow pupils were using
their arts in unlawful ways, Timitrios Spartakos decided to
turn this knowledge to his own advantage. By an artful combination
of tattling to the Secret Police and backstabbing, he
soon had all the other pupils in fear of him. He made certain
to remain on good terms with his master, and by delicately
smoothing over a minor scandal involving his teacher and a
comely serving wench, earned his master’s gratitude and
good opinions. His magical talents were all that remained to
make him his master’s prize pupil.

When his master died, Timitrios was left a box of maps,
purporting to show the locations of treasures. Timitrios
moved to the city of Greyhawk, since the treasures were
located near there, and to get away from people who
remembered his betraying and backstabbing. In
Greyhawk, his unsavory reputation had not preceded him,
and he had no difficulty gaining employment.

In Greyhawk, Timitrios began to drink heavily. He often
spent weeks in a stupor, and would only stagger out when
his supply of drink was running low. He finally noticed
that his savings were running out, and managed to sober

Now, at age 27, Timitrios Spartakos has black hair, olive
skin, and black eyes. He is of average height, and usually
wears ordinary street clothes instead of wizard’s robes. His
familiar, a calico cat, is never far from his side.

In addition to his amulet ofproof against detection, Timitrios
owns a ring of spell storing, once the property of his
last teacher. This contains only defensive spells (feather
fall, invisibility, protection from normal missiles, and teleport.
He also has the following: two potions of treasurefinding,
a ring of protection +2, a wand of negation, boots of
speed, an efreeti bottle, and two ioun stones, one pale lavender
and one lavender & green (which absorb spells up to
4th and 8th level, respectively); all taken from his two powerful
former masters.

The Mage of the Valley has not forgotten the young pupil
who betrayed him. His valley elf assassins are watching for
Timitrios, to report his exact location to the Mage. Once he
learns precisely where his erring pupil is, the Mage of the
Valley intends to pay him a visit so they can, in his words,
“talk over old times together.”

Unsavory rumors have also started in Greyhawk about
the young mage from the Great Kingdom. He has slipped
back into drunkenness several times, and has fumbled several
jobs while drunk. He refuses clerical help, claiming to
be fine, but people who want a reliable spell caster are
increasingly reluctant to hire the dark young man from

If Timitrios Spartakos were asked, he would probably be
willing to accompany a party of adventurers to the places
on his treasure maps. However, he would be likely (90%) to
take “his share” at night, and leave.