REMORHAZ (Polar Worm) (Ice Worm)

FREQUENCY: Very rare <(only the chill wastes)>
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Hills], [Cold Wilderness Plains])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII])

ARMOR CLASS: Overall 0, head 2, underside 4
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 7-14
% IN LAIR: 20% (2 Remorhaz: sub-arctic mountains, REF4.60)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 and 1 ~ 13 (HD 6 to 7) | 12 (HD 8 to 9) | 10 (HD 10 to 11) | 9 (HD 12 to 13) | 8 (HD 14)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Glowing back heat melts non-magic weapons
SIZE: L (21' to 42' long) <7 HD = 21' | 8 HD = 24' | 9 HD = 27' | 10 HD = 30' | 11 HD = 33' | 12 HD = 36' | 13 HD = 39' | 14 HD = 42'>
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1700 + 16

Remorhaz, sometimes known as polar worms, inhabit only the chill wastes.
They are very aggressive predators.
If encountered in its lair, a remorhaz is 25% likely to have a mate and 1-2 eggs there.
The size of one of these creatures is determined by its HD:
a 7 dice remorhaz is 21' long, an 8 dice creature 24' long, etc.
Remorhaz eggs are valued at 5,000 g.p. each.

In combat the remorhaz beats its small wings and rears the front quarter of
its body.

Swallow: It then snaps itself forward, striking with blinding {SPEED}, and the
largest-sized specimens are able to swallow prey whole in this manner.
Any victim swallowed in this manner is instantly killed due to the intense
heat in the monster's digestive system. Prey is swallowed whole on a score
of 20.

Glowing back heat melts non-magic weapons: When aroused, the remorhaz secretes substances internally which
cause its intestines to become very hot, and its back protrusions actually
glow cherry-red with the excess heat. Any non-magical weapon striking
the back of a remorhaz will melt from the heat, and any creature touched
by these surfaces suffers 10-100 points of damage.

Description: The remorhaz has ice blue coloration everywhere except
along its back where a streak of white sets off the large protrusions there.
The creature's multi-faceted eyes are white.