Detect Snares & Pits

L^: d1
R#: 0
D^: 4r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3
S^: None
A^: 1" path, 4" long
psionic encounter: 25%

Effect: Upon casting this spell, the druid is able to detect
snares & pits along the 1" wide by 4" long area of effect path and thus
avoid such deadfalls.

Note that in the underground only simple pits, not all
forms of traps, would be detected by means of this spell. Outdoors, the
spell detects all forms of traps - deadfalls, missile trips, snares, etc. The
spell lasts 4 melee rounds for each level of experience of the druid casting
it, i.e. 4 rounds at the 1st level, 8 at the 2nd, 12 (1 turn plus 2 rounds) ot the
3rd, etc.

WSG: As indicated in the spell description, this
magic is much more versatile in the outdoors than in an underground
environment. The AREA of effect of the spell will MOVE as
the caster moves, as long as he concentrates on maintaining the
detection, does not have his concentration abruptly interrupted
(by combat or the preparation of a different spell, for instance),
and does not attempt to move faster than his full normal movement
rate. The caster can converse normally with other party
members and perform any non-strenuous physical activity without
interrupting the detect spell.