Locate Animals


L^: d1
R#: 0
D^: 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: 2" path 
2" long per level

Effect: The druid with a locate animals spell is able to
determine the direction and distance of any of the desired animals within
the area of effect.

The sought after animal can be of any sort, but the druid
must concentrate on the sort desired. The cleric faces in a direction, thinks
of the animal desired, and he or she then knows if any such animal is
within spell range. During a round of spell effect duration, the druid must
face in only one direction, i.e., only a 2" wide path can be known. The
spell lasts 1 round per level of experience of the druid, while the length of
the path is 2" per level of experience.

DMG: This spell is another which requires a bit of effort on the part of the DM.
As it is quite unlikely that each and every species of animal in the area of the spell caster will be recorded,
you will have to use the probabilities of your milieu.
Obviously, there is 0% chance of locating a polar bear in the jungle,
or a jungle cat in a cavern thousands of feet below ground, etc.
So the locale is second after the region as to whether or not some animal will be within spell range.
Then consider the terrain -- mountain lions do not typically roam the prairies, for instance.
Lastly, consider the frequency of the animal desired in relation to all of the above.
If the animal is within the area of probability, allow a straight percentile roll for frequency:
COMMON = 50% chance, UNCOMMON = 25% chance, RARE = 10% chance, VERY RARE = 5% chance.
Circumstances will always prevail, so modify as necessary to allow for the surroundings.

WSG: If the spell-caster’s party contains a character
with proficiency in animal lore, the Dungeon Master may allow
the spell-caster to know in advance at least one type of
animal that is available within the spell range. The caster does
not have to request an animal type that is mentioned, but he will
certainly find animals of that sort if that is what he desires.