
R^: S SPC^: 1/round D^: Time of Concentration S^: None  A^: S

Effect: This discipline allows the possessor to communicate mind-to-mind with any other creature with INT of 5 or greater.

This obviates the need for knowledge of the language of the creature.
The creature to be communicated with must be in sight or be well-known mentally by the possessor of this science.
In the latter case distance is not a factor as long as the telepath and the receiver are on the same plane of existence and not separated by distances greater than 186,000 miles (1 light second).
Telepathic waves can traverse greater distances only if all individuals involved are telepathic.
Note that multiple-mind communications by telepathy are possible.
While normal communications are possible, no special form of influence is gained by the exercise of telepathy.