
R^: 0  SPC^: 20 D^: Instantaneous S^: None  A^: Individual + S 

Effect: This discipline is very similar to the magic-user spell, teleport (q.v.).
The only major difference is that psionic energy points must be expended to use the power.
Also, if points above the required 20 are expended,
the psionic individual is able to alter the percentage probabilities of mis-teleporting (coming in too low or too high)
by 1% per additional psionic strength point expended either to correct low and/or high mis-teleporting.
During psionic combat the creatures involved can engage in no other activity.
The procedure is as follows: Combatants select their defense modes, attack modes, and opponent
(if multiple creatures per side are involved).
This information is recorded, and the defenses and attacks are matrixed to determine results.
Expeditures for defense, attack and combat losses ore noted and token from the appropriate totals of involved creatures.
Psionic combat takes place at a rate of 1 exchange per segment, 10 exchanges per melee round.
If the attention of a creature is distracted by physical attack or spell damage or effect (such as charm hold, etc.)
it cannot engage in attack, although its defenses remain.

Non-psionic creatures can be attacked psionically only by attack mode A, psionic blast.
This attack mode cannot be used by distracted creatures as shown above.