Word of Recall

L^: c6
R#: 0 
D^: Special
C^: v
CT: 1
S^: None
A^: Special

Effect: The word of recall spell takes the cleric instantly back to his or her sanctuary when the word is uttered.

The sanctuary must be specifically designated in advance by the cleric. It must be a well known place, but it can be any distance from the cleric, above or below ground. Transportation by the word of recall spell is infallibly safe. The cleric is able to transport, in addition to himself or herself, 250 gold pieces weight cumulative per level of experience. Thus, a 15th level cleric could transport his or her person and 3,750 (375 pounds) gold pieces weight in addition; this extra matter can be equipment, treasure, or living material such as another person.

DMG: For each plane that the cleric is removed from the plane of his or her designated Sanctuary,
there is a 10% cumulative chance that the cleric will be irrevocably lost in the intervening astral or ethereal spaces. 

Word of Recall: If the sanctuary of the 
caster is on a different dimension from that in 
which the caster is located, there is some 
chance this spell will NOT work.  PCs 
might only be aware that priests using the

spell disappeared from the alien plane, 
and did NOT arrive back home, but should 
have no idea of the percentages involved.  
They should know that this is a more 
serious problem on the Outer Dimensions 
than in the Inner. 
(Imagine #30)


SA: Word of Recall — This spell will work on the Astral Plane — if
the cleric’s deity lives on that plane, and if the cleric using the
spell has a stronghold on the Astral Plane as well. In such a
case, the cleric may use word of recall to instantly move from
any point on the Astral Plane to a place within the astral
stronghold that has a solid “floor.”
