Appendix III:
Character Alignment Graph
The act of killing a victim
without knowing if he/she is truly
an enemy (in other words,
killing a complete stranger without know-
ing if he/she presents a
threat) is a chaotic act. (SA44.23)
The act of killing an op-
ponent with the knowledge
that there is some other way to overcome
him/her is an evil act.
Lawful characters must always
predictable in their actions
and motives. (SA53.11)
& Prisoners +
richardstincer wrote:
Thanks for that, Gary, but
I am having trouble understanding your last sentence in your above post.
For early ADandD 1st edit., does that mean my PC nondruid human cleric
can have the alignment of NG(LG) if my alignment is between LG and NG for
Gary wrote:
Of course your PC can be
of any alignment you desire regardless of where on the planes he calls
home--although being of other alignment in the outer planes dedicated to
a specific alignment makes such a character problematical, likely short-lived.
A character can certainly have a differentiation from the nine primary alignments. A LnG Pc for example, or a NlG, the lower-case indicating the propensity towards the second alignment while remaining in the main one. For example NlG= Neutral (with a leaning towards lawfulness) Good.
Originally Posted by sluggo
the sleazebag
Hello again Gary,
I have to echo Manzanita's
sentiments when I say that it's great to have you on the boards.
You've always been very
prompt, humorous, and forthcoming in your responses and I think it sets
a great example for the rest of the gaming community.
Hi Sluggo!
Happy to be here, for these
boards are about the best there are on the net.
the only place where I have
about as many posts as I do here is at the main LA game community boards.
Originally Posted by sluggo
the sleazebag
Anyway, I have a few more
questions for you...
I'm curious how you handle
alignment infractions in your game.
Do you use an honor point
system like the one in Oriental Adventures or do you keep your cards pretty
close to your chest, choosing not to inform the players and simply let
their actions (or lack thereof) inform them of the alignment shift?
If you tell them, how do
you go about letting the players know? Is it an out-of-game thing or do
they find out the hard way while attempting to cast spells?
I manage that in my head,
keep no notes.
A player blatently playing
a character out of exprerssed alignment is informed of that fact quite
publicly before ther group.
I believe that is correct,
as the DM sereves as the senses for all PCs.
The group would certainly
notice such behavior.
If alignment infraction
is clandestine, then I inform the player that the character is drifting
towards whatever different alignment his actions indicate.
Of course only clerics would
discover such change when attanpting to cast a spell ot regain one that
was cast or a new one.