Fox, Gardner

Fox, Gardner. "Kothar" Series; "Kyrik" Series; et al.

Appendix N


Fox, Gardner. "Kothar" Series; "Kyrik" Series; et al.
    The Cup of Golden Death (D38.6)

Originally Posted by Raven Crowking
Another question: Have you ever read The Thief of Llarn? It actually contains a "role-playing game" of sorts inside it, and when I read the earlier this year, I was wondering if it had any influence.

Indeed, Gar Fox and his wife Linda became friends of ine, and IIRR the Thief of Llarn bears his autograph. O emjoyed Gar's S&S writing, but the game mentioned in the book was not influential--the games "refereed" by my older neighbor James "Slim Jim" Rasch in which his younger brother John and I played when we were age nine were the greatest influence...unrealized for some time.


<Gardner Fox wrote some short stories in Dragon magazine>


The Cup of Golden Death