Bag of Beans

XP: 1k
GP: 5k 
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

Bag of Beans: This bag is constructed of heavy cloth.
It is about 2' wide and
4' long (the size of any other bag or large sack). When it is opened and
examined it will reveal several,large pebble-like objects. If these objects
are dumped out of the bag they will each explode for 5-20 hit points of
damage each, all creatures within a 10 ' radius must save versus magic or
take full damage. To be removed safely, the beans in the bag must be
taken out by hand; telekinesis will not work, nor can they be worked out
using tools in any way which will not explode them. Each pebble-like bean
must be placed in dirt and watered. From each, in succession, will spring
some creature or object. It is suggested that 3-12 beans are optimum, and
only 1 or 2 will be beneficial, the others being monsters or useless things.

For example:
#01 3 shriekers spring up and begin wailing
#02 an ice storm strikes the area
#03 a poisonous raspberry bush with animated runners shoots up, but each of its 5-20 berries is a gem of 100 or 500 g.p. base value (or perhaps just worthless glass)
#04 a hole opens in the ground; a purple worm can be below or a diinni ring . . .
#05 smoke and gases cover an area of 50' radius for 5 turns,
and creatures therein cannot see and will be blinded for
1-6 rounds even when they step out of the cloud
#06 a wyvern grows instantly and attacks; its sting is a javelin of piercing
#07 poison gas seeps out slowly forming a cloud of 20' radius
which persists for 1 turn; while i t lasts i t might turn some
dirt at its center to magic dust (appearance, vanishing, sneezing and choking . . . )

Thought, imagination and judgment are required with this item.

* Bag of Beans: need a list (by Dragonsfoot)
* Dragon Issue #171, p. 95: 101 Surprises in a Bag of Beans
08 A Shambling Mound by Grypharius
09 A Treant by Grypharius
10 A bush with Goodberries (as druid spell) by Grypharius
11 A bush with Badberries (druid spell reverse) by Grypharius
12 A Scarecrow as described in FF by Grypharius
13 A Kampfult by Grypharius
14 A Yellow Musk Creeper by Grypharius
15 a LOUD sound & a stinking cloud effect at the same time? by Abe
16 The surrounding countryside within 2-8 miles is suddenly struck by radical weather change lasting 2-24 days. If the weather was warm and balmy, a fierce arctic blizzard springs up. If it was chilly, a blazing heat wave rolls over the area. Normal damage for exposure applies to any inappropriately dressed persons. Dungeon
17 The walls of the room begin shrieking deafeningly. Normal conversation is impossible, and spell-casting has a 25% chance of failure. The noise lasts 2-8 turns. Dungeon
18 A swarm of 8-18 (2d6+6) darts buzz up from the bean and fly madly about the room, randomly dive bombing any PCs in a 40’ radius. Each dart attacks once per round, as a 4-HD monster (THAC0 17). A successful hit causes 2-5 hp damage and deactivates the dart (which can thereafter be used as a dart +1). Darts vanish if they have not struck a target after three turns. Dungeon
19 Ghastly yellow-green vapors seep from the bean and fill the room in one round. The gas acts as a cloudkill spell, lasts 3-9 (2d4+1) rounds, and reduces vision to 10’ for the duration. Dungeon
20 Boiling oil seeps from the bean and covers an area 60’ in diameter. Any creature contacting the oil suffers 2-8 hp damage each round. The oil remains for a full six hours. Dungeon
21 The bean turns into a large horsefly and buzzes annoyingly about the nearest PC. If left alone, the fly will continue to buzz, land on, and bite the PC for 2-16 turns. During this time, the PC has a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Further, his AC is worsened by 2 and spellcasting is 90% impossible. If swatted, the fly either squashes normally (40%), turns into an ebony fly (30%), or transforms into a chasme (30%) (AC -5; MV 6, fly 24 (D); HD 8+2; hp 38; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-8/1-4; THAC0 13; SA spell-like powers, drone, bleeding; SD demon immunities, magic resistance). Dungeon
22 A fog cloud of 30 yards in diameter appears, obscuring everyone’s vision and causing all attack rolls to be made at -3. Saving throws involving dodging and evasion are at -3 penalty. Characters with blind-fighting proficiency attack at -1 and save at -1 when dodging and evading. Dungeon
23 An explosion delivering 3-18 hp damage to everyone within 20’ of the bean heralds the arrival of an air elemental (AC 2; MV fly 36; HD 16; hp 80; #AT 1; Dmg 2-20; THAC0 5; SA whirlwind; SD +2 weapon to hit)). It uses its first round to blast the PCs with an enormous gust of wind, cast at the 16th level of magic use (all small fires extinguished and small items blown over; otherwise as per the spell). The elemental then leaves forever for its home plane. Dungeon
24 A hedge of quickly growing leaves sprouts up and covers an area 40’ long by 3’ wide by 12’ high. Its center is where the bean was planted. A man-sized passage can be hacked through the foliage in 3 rounds. Otherwise, the hedge remains for 2 hours before disappearing. Dungeon
25 A medusa appears (AC 5; MV 9; HD 6; hp 37; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; THAC0 15; SA petrification, poison). Have all PCs roll saving throws vs. petrification to avoid her gaze. The medusa disappears in the next round. Dungeon
26 A bloodthorn tree of 20HD springs up on the site and attacks anything within range. It lasts until it is slain. by Xabloyan
27 5 fungi grow over 3 rounds. The first four become basidironds of maximum HP and attack anyone coming near. The 5th is a green-spotted toadstool the size of a halfling. This last one, if eaten, takes three meals (a full day) for one character to fully consume, but gives +1 level to the consumer. Eating only part of the mushroom (less than 100%) does nothing. by Xabloyan
28 A 50' deep pit opens in the ground, with sparkling gems visible on the bottom. If entered, the gems prove to be a ruse/illusion, the pit closes up, and everything within the pit is plane shifted to the Astral Plane and left there to drift. by Xabloyan
29 A soap bubble, 5' diameter, rises up out of the ground and into the sky at a rate of 1" per round. If unmolested, it rises to a height of 20" and detonates; otherwise, it pops as soon as it is touched. The pop does 10d4+20 damage in a 6" radius (save vs. magic for half). by Xabloyan
30 A stone golem climbs out of the ground and stands motionless. If touched with a bare hand, it will serve the toucher for one month, then collapse into a heap of stone. If attacked, it will fight back. If neither attacked nor touched, it will collapse into a heap of stones in 1-6 turns. by Xabloyan
31 A fountain flows from the planted bean for 6 turns, and then dries up. If drunk directly, its waters are deadly poison (save at -4 or die); however, if its waters are drunk from a golden cup, or bottled in a consecrated holy or unholy water vial, they become a random potion. by Xabloyan
32 thick clump of grass grows in 3” radius, Entangling all within for 1-4 rounds; 1-in-6 chance to escape by Anachronistes
33 sprouts up an ordinary beanstalk, 8’ high by Anachronistes
34 explodes in a puff of smoke, creating a cloud of acidic gas 2” sphere; Save vs. Poison or take 4 HP damage per round for 4 rounds by Anachronistes
35 turns into a Huge Pedipalp (HD: 2+2, HP: 15; AC: 4; MV: 9”; #AT: 3; DMG: 1-6/1-6/1-8; SA: after hit is scored, will automatically do 2-12 HP damage each round until killed: 95 xp); will attack nearest halfling-sized or larger creature by Anachronistes
36 sharpened stakes sprout out of ground at 2’ intervals in a 15’ radius ring of bean; the stakes are 7’ high, thick wood, as heavy oak door by Anachronistes
37 ground in a 1” radius turns to quicksand by Anachronistes
38 a black thundercloud rises up to 5” over the area in 5 segments, then spreads in the next 5 segments to cover a 2” radius; the next round a tremendous clap of thunder equal to a Horn of Collapsing booms, affecting all in a 4” radius by Anachronistes
39 turns into a large sack full of one weeks’ worth of fine quality horse grain; all equines consuming it gain 4 HP permanently by Anachronistes
40 a 8' tall pine sprouts the next round; its pine cones, 30 in all, can be thrown up to 3”, exploding in a 1/2” radius for 2-12 points damage by Anachronistes
41 a Shrieker (HD: 3; HP: 17; AC: 7) sprouts and begins wailing; in 10 rounds the noise will attract a Purple Worm (HD: 15; HP: 66; AC: 6; MV:9”; #AT: 1 (and additional tail if room permits), DMG: 2-24 and 2-8 + Save vs. Poison or die; 6220 xp); SA swallow whole on a 20 or +4 over needed “To Hit” roll; 22 xp) by Anachronistes
42 a torch forms from the bean, levitates 1/2” off the ground, and begins flaming - this lasts 6 turns by Anachronistes
43 a Violet Fungus (HD: 3; HP: 16; AC: 7; #AT: 3, DMG: Rots Flesh in next round after hit is scored unless Cure Disease is applied; 2’ attack range; 199 xp) grows by Anachronistes
44 forms a toadstool which smells like fresh-baked bread; this is very delicious and nutritious, providing sustenance for a week for each person in the party by Anachronistes

101 Surprises in a Bag of Beans

Who says that beans are good for you?

by Mathew Schutt

Because of the attention given to AD&D game magical items such as the
deck of many things (DRAGON(r) issue #148) and wand of wonder (issue
#147), the following list has been conjured to be used as an imaginative
catalyst whenever a bag of beans is used. If it seems that a majority of
these effects are harmful, remember that the bag is an item used only in
extremis or in great curiosity. All magical effects should be assumed to
be cast at 12th level of ability, unless otherwise specified. Just roll
ld100 for each bean, selecting option #101 for the last bean. Statistics
for most monsters and spells should be referenced in the appropriate
AD&D 2nd Edition manuals. Unless noted otherwise, all items and beings
created by a bean are permanent and may be destroyed or slain normally.
And in every case, the DM may make any adjustments to these results he
feels appropriate.

1.  Toadstools, 10-100 of them, grow from the ground about the planted
bean. If eaten, they are either poisonous (50%), requiring a save vs.
poison at - 2 to avoid death, or act as goodberries (50%), as per the
second level priest spell. The toad-stools vanish after 24 hours.
2.  A 20'-tall tree with 24 assorted fruits springs from the ground
instantly. When a fruit is cut, crushed, or bitten, out springs a device
of some sort (as per the random-roll table for a robe of useful items).
The tree vanishes after 48 hours, but items from it remain.
3.  A great whirlwind (exactly like one created by a djinn) instantly
forms above the bean, wreaks havoc, and dissolves a round later.
4.  A 50'-diameter hemisphere of darkness is created and remains until
dispelled (see the first-level priest spell).
5.  A geyser erupts, throwing water 20' into the air for 1-12 rounds. If
desired, the water may be replaced by another non-magical liquid, such
as ale, beer, berry juice, tea, vinegar, wine, or crude oil.
6.  A pheasant jumps up from the soil and attempts to fly away (Ac 6; MV
3, fly 24; HD 1/4; hp 2; no attacks). If stopped and investigated, it
may be discovered that 1-4 of its feathers are magical Quaal's feather
7.  A spring bubbles up. The first person who drinks from it has his age
reduced by 1-12 years. Succeeding drinks age a drinker by 10-120 years
per drink.
8.  A number of powerful zombies (#AP 3-24; AC 4; MV 12; HD 2; hp 16;
#AT 2; Dmg 1-8/1-8; THACO 19) crawl forth and attack all living things.
The zombies cannot be turned and move so fast as to always strike first
in a melee round.
9.  A 60'-diameter earthquake spell strikes the area, with the planted
bean at its center.
10.  A chaotic-evil treant (AC 0; MV 12; HI) 12; hp 52; #AT 2; Dmg 4-24;
THACO 9) of the largest size appears and attempts to destroy all living
beings it can reach 10' in diameter.
11.  A pool of molten lava rises to the surface, and expands another 10'
every round until it is a maximum of 50' in diameter. Anyone caught in
the lava receives 10-80 hp damage per round.  The lava will remain above
ground and slowly cool.
12.  Gases erupt from the ground within a 60'-diameter area around the
bean and have a mutating effect; anyone caught in them must save vs,
spells or be affected as per a 1d4 die roll: 1) gain 1-4 hp permanently;
2) lose 1-4 hp permanently; 3) lycanthropy (DM's choice of type); 4) get
a rotting disease, as if touched by a mummy.
13.  Conjured animals begin to rise from the earth, one animal of the
DM's choice appearing each round until 24 HD total have arrived (see the
sixth-level priest spell). They remain until slain or 24 rounds have
elapsed. They behave as if they were under a confusion enchantment (see
the seventh-level priest spell). If the result is "Act normally for one
round" the animal obeys the wishes of the bean planter.
14.  A special incendiary cloud flows up from the ground, remaining for
two full turns in a volume 20' in height and 40' in length and breadth.
It remains dormant until any spells or spell-like effects are activated
within it. Damage is 1 hp per level of the spell cast per round.
15.  A pair of huge, disembodied, magical hands come forth. One is a
Bigby's grasping hand and the other a Bigby's clenched fist, Each will
attack or hold immobilized a random target within 90' of the bean for 12
16.  Fast-growing roots reach up from the ground and wrap about
creatures as an entangle spell (40'-square area), lasting for 10-80
17.  A pit, 40' square and 10'-100' deep, opens up beneath the bean
18.  An opening in the ground appears where the bean was planted. If
entered and explored, the underground complex proves to be the sewers
beneath a major city. The opening to the sewer complex, which is a sort
of long distance gate, closes after 1-100 rounds, possibly stranding
characters in their new locale.
19.  A simulacrum of the bean planter rises from the ground. The
duplicate joins forces with the planter initially, but after 2-20 days
it decides to break away to establish a career of its own. Only 1-10
days later, it melts.
20.  An apparatus of Kwalish appears, being operated by a single unarmed
hobgoblin (hp 7).
21.  The area around the bean is struck by transmute rock to mud
(100'-cube area of effect). The area reverts to stone after 2-8 rounds,
entombing anything within it.
22.  A black sphere rises from the ground, appearing as a sphere of
annihilation. The sphere moves at a speed of 9, chasing after random
targets (one target per round). The exact effects of the sphere once it
touches a creature are left up to the DM. Possibilities are the
destruction of magical items (as a rod of cancellation) or the draining
of spells from the minds of casters. The sphere cannot be affected in
any manner whatsoever, but if all living creatures manage to avoid its
touch for three rounds in a row, it disappears.
23.  A clear pool of water rises to the surface. The planter of the bean
may ask the pool a question and receive a vision, as per the
seventh-level wizard spell of the same name. If the powers are annoyed,
the bean planter is attacked by three water weirds (AC 4; MV IZ; HD 3+3;
hp 16; THACO 15; SA drowning).
24.  A stone statue in the exact likeness of the bean planter grows from
the ground. It makes all sorts of spoken threats against the planter,
but it does nothing more. If left behind, it Will direct anyone who will
listen to its lies to attack the planter. Worse, it always knows exactly
where the planter is.
25.  A female arm wielding an impressive sword of random type thrusts up
from the ground in the style of the famous Lady of the Lake and
Excalibur. The sword can be taken only by the bean planter, after which
the arm descends back into the earth. If the planter is a paladin, this
is the moment to give him a holy avenger; otherwise, the weapon is a sun
26.  The planted bean summons a meteor from outer space that strikes the
ground within five rounds. Anyone standing directly over the bean (the
point of impact) is instantly killed, and all his items are destroyed.
Only a wish can restore him to life again. All creatures within 30'
receive 10-40 hp damage (save vs. breath weapon for half damage). A
crater 10' in diameter is left behind.
27.  A special bush grows with fire seeds, as per the sixth-level priest
spell; 14 missiles and 2-8 incendiaries can be picked.
28.  A minor death (AC -4; 33 hp; MV 24; strikes with a pitchfork for
2-8 hp damage, never misses, always striking first in a round and always
pursuing) appears and attacks the bean planter as if he drew the Skull
card from the deck of many things. Only one such creature appears, but
only blows and spells from the planter affect this being.
29.  A wall of thorns springs up instantly in a 20' X 20' X 20' cube,
trapping all creatures in this area.
30.  A wondrous, articulate war horse appears and offers the planter of
the bean a ride to any destination desired. If the offer is accepted,
the horse takes its rider to the floor of Hades' first layer, then
disappears. If the offer is not accepted, the horse disappears.
31.  An iron golem pops into existence and attacks all nearby living
things one by one. In its forehead are set three gems: a gem of
brightness, a gem of seeing, and a gem worth 5,000 gp.
32.  A chariot of Sustarre (as per the seventh-level cleric spell) is
conjured to serve the planter of the bean for 18 turns. Then it explodes
in a 6-36 hp fireball. Those on the chariot take maximum dam-age, no
save, This could prove even more deadly if the chariot is being used in
the sky when it blows up.
33.  An ancestral spirit of the bean planter is summoned. If the DM
feels the planter has been faithful to his alignment, the ghostly
ancestor will reward his descendant with 10,000 experience points.
Otherwise, the spirit will strip away a like amount from the planter and
give warning for the planter to change his ways.
34.  A single campfire springs forth. Its flames are blue but otherwise
35.  A huge and gaudy marble fountain, decorated with nymphs and
dolphins, rises from the earth, spraying water high into the air. A few
copper coins (2-5) can be found in its basin. The fountain ceases after
2-12 rounds. If cast indoors, the fountain fills the room in which it
appears, to a height of 20'.
36.  A creeping doom crawls forth and moves in a random direction,
attacking all creatures who do not escape its wrath. Beyond the initial
80 yards, the insect mass loses 50 of its number for every 10 yards it
37.  An extradimensional creature ap. pears as if an iron flask were
opened. It is very angry, totally hostile, and has maximum hit points.
If "empty" is rolled on the table, roll again until a creature turns up;
in this case, the monster is only an illusion,
38.  A well of many worlds opens up in the ground. It can be picked up
and carried away.
39.  A hostile earth elemental (AC 2; MV 6; HD 16; hp 8a; #AT 1; Dmg
4-32; THACO 7; SD + 2 or better weapon to hit) is conjured. To make
matters worse, the planter of the bean and the elemental swap mental
consciousnesses. Thus, the planter's body will go about pummeling people
with his fists, while the planter must make do with an elemental form.
If either the planter or elemental are destroyed, this malady becomes
permanent. Player and DM creativity must be used to remedy the
40.  A hole in the ground opens up. Out crawls a wyvern with 500 gp gems
for eyes, the ability to detect invisible objects, and the ability to
breathe a cone of cold (for 6d4 + 6 hp damage) once every other round.
When slain, the creature transforms into harmless blue smoke; the gems
are left behind.
41.  Sixteen thick and thorny vines crawl from the ground and, with evil
sentience, seek out victims. The vines are 40' long and AC 4, have 12 hp
each, and wrap around and constrict their victims, Inflicting 2-8 hp
damage every round after the first successful attack.
42.  Flowers shoot up from the ground for 120 yards around the planted
bean. On the following round, they emit clouds of magical pollen. All
creatures in the area fall instantly asleep for 1-12 rounds (no save
allowed). Some of these creatures '2-5, chosen randomly) will each be
granted a limited wish of their own design, stemming from their dreams.
Have the players describe their characters' dreams without knowing the
consequences, then tailor the results accordingly.
43.  Appearing from the ground to attack the bean planter is a young
adult red dragon. If slain, a magical red ruby will be found in the
muscle of the dragon's heart. This ruby acts as a wand of fireballs,
fully charged.
44.  A cloud of solid fog, 120 yards in diameter and 20 yards high,
rises from the earth, lasting 20 rounds or until dispersed. Just 1-20
rounds later, a death fog spell rises from the earth, lasting another 20
rounds and having the same dimensions.
45.  An enchanted heavy catapult appears. It is + 1 to attack and has
double normal range. It will fire by itself every other round, requiring
people only to load it. The catapult will also shrink upon command to 1
in height. Once per day, it can hurl a ball lightning missile (4-48 hp
damage; see ring of shooting stars for details).
46.  A huge hemispherical chunk of ground, 150 yards in radius about the
bean, rips itself free from the earth and floats away. Characters
standing on it are possibly stranded several hundred feet above the
ground or are carried to a foreign land.
47.  Nothing seems to happen. If the planter digs up the bean again, he
will discover a nugget of gold worth 50 gp. further excavation proves
this site to be a suitable gold mine. Serious digging may be costly,
however, and also means encounters with beings not happy to see miners
(angry duergar, drow, purple worms, etc.). See "In a Cavern, In a
Canyon;' in DRAGON issue #152, for details on mining in fantasy games.
48.  Nothing apparently happens, but two invisible stalkers of maximum
hit points are conjured. They follow the bean planter and attempt to
steal away the bag of beans at the most opportune moment. Resistance
causes the stalkers to attack.
49.  A Leomund's secure shelter springs forth. Inside are 6-9 trolls of
different types and maximum hit points who consider this their home. If
the DM's so desires, a trapdoor in the floorboards of the shelter leads
to an extradimensional dungeon of the DM's own design.
50. Only 2-8 rounds after the bean is planted, a Daern's instant
fortress grows upward so quickly that all within 10 yards sustain 10-100
hp damage from its growth. Whoever planted the bean may command the
fortress's entrance to open or close. The fortress is permanent but can
never be moved or shrunk to its cube form.
51.  A number of toads (1d4 +8) crawl from the earth. Whenever a toad is
touched, it will polymorph into a random monster (check the Monstrous
Compendium and roll on the monster summoning spell table of the
appropriate level for the party). Every third round, a toad will
polymorph without being touched.
52.  Immediately after the bean is planted, a huge tent (30' X 30' X
10') springs up, enclosing all creatures within its volume. The tent is
furnished lavishly with velvet pillows, golden lamps, porcelain vases,
exotic tapestries, etc. and is pervaded with the scent of rich spices.
All creatures in the tent are subject to sympathy as per the 8th-level
wizard spell; those failing to save vs. spells will not leave the tent.
Anything removed from the tent turns into scraps of paper, sticks,
rocks, etc. unless removed by a thief, in which case they stay normal.
Individual items have values of 100-1,000 gp each. Each thief may remove
as many items from the tent as he has levels of experience as a thief;
thereafter, items turn into debris as noted previously. The tent
vanishes after one day.
53.  A mass of 4-24 laughing skulls, flying on batlike wings, spring
from the ground and surround the bean planter The demonic laughter
prevents any sleep or spell-casting requiring verbal components. For
each day of sleeplessness, the planter takes a -1 penalty on attacks,
defenses, and saving throws. The skulls cannot be attacked by any means
except one, chosen by the DM (this method may be uncovered by divination
spells). The skulls remain for 2-8 days, then fly away. They will not
interfere in combat, though some beings might avoid a victim so
54.  The bean planter receive. an Un-hatched dragon's egg of a random
type. It will hatch in 2-12 hours if kept warm.
55.  A wishing well springs up. It will grant a wish to the first person
who tosses in a coin and to a second person who dumps in at least 1,000
gp worth of coins or treasure. The well disappears after the second
56.  A great fissure in the ground opens up. It is very narrow (only 4'
wide), so the bottom cannot be seen. Nothing other than possible
injuries will come of climbing down into the crevasse, which is 1-4
miles deep and l0d12 X 100 yards long. After 5-20 days, the crevasse
closes up again, swallowing anything within it.
57.  Mist rises from the ground and, after 2-5 rounds, takes on the form
of a dragon. This "dragon" breathes a blast of steam and vapor upon any
creatures in the area. Damage is 6-36 hp. After it breathes, the
dragon-cloud dissipates forever It cannot be attacked except by magical
electricity, which causes the cloud to fade away while it is
forming-only to reappear behind the bean planter 1-4 hours later The
cloud continues to reappear until it has the chance to breath its steam.
58.  A rope grows upward to a length of 30'. If the rope is climbed, an
extradimensional space is found (as per the rope trick spell). It will
last for four hours, after which the rope assumes the abilities of a
rope of climbing.
59.  A beanstalk grows up into the air If climbed, it leads either to a
cloud castle, to wildspace (for a SPELLJAMMER adventure), or to a
different plane of existence (a cloud city on the elemental plane of
60.  A lesser basilisk of average hit points crawls from the ground. Its
gaze attack does not turn people to stone but rather ages them 5-50
years. The basilisk wanders away after a turn.
61.  An umber hulk of maximum hit points digs its way out of the earth,
then attempts to maim or kill as many characters as it can before
burrowing back into the ground 1-100 rounds later. If slain, the umber
hulk changes color and utters one prophecy before it turns into dust.
The prophecy will always come true (the DM should use his best judgment
62.  An entire one-story tavern pops up from the ground. The pub's
interior is occupied by helpful unseen servants who dish out helpings of
a heroes' feast. This tavern remains in place for 3-12 days before
63.  An insane gynosphinx (maximum hit points) appears and attempts to
devour any creatures who cannot answer its silly children's riddles.
64.  The area about the bean within a 1-4 mile radius suffers its own
chaotic weather patterns. The weather changes every turn for 4-48 hours.
Choose weather types randomly from those listed in the seventh level
control weather priests' spell.
65. A patch of pumpkins, 40 yards square in area, grows instantly.  The
pumpkins ripen, over-ripen, go foul, then burst open. Everyone in the
area is affected by a stinking cloud spell and must save vs. breath
weapon or contract a debilitating disease (see the third-level priest
spell cure disease for details). However, 1-6 pumpkins will not explode,
but they will have instead turned into scarecrows (Monstrous Compendium,
GREYHAWK(r) appendix) of maximum hit points, and they will attack the
party after two rounds. If they slay the PCs, these monsters will roam
the land.
66.  The planted bean becomes a delayed blast fireball of 18th level,
exploding in five rounds.
67.  The DM's favorite dinosaur (maximum hit points) grows out of the
ground to create a little havoc among the PCs.
68.  A squirrel or other woodland creature comes along, digs up the
bean, and quickly devours it. The animal then addresses the bean planter
in Common and may answer questions as a sage skilled in every field of
knowledge. If the planter has no questions, the animal will give clues
to the location of a magical artifact. One hour after eating the bean,
the animal reverts to normal, though it will now follow the PCs wherever
they go (it does nothing else).
69.  A female vampire exits the ground at nightfall, wielding a vorpal
weapon and a rope of entanglement. She will track down the bean planter
to kill him. The vampire requires no coffin, merely staying in gaseous
form for 12 turns when it is slain and re-forming thereafter. Her
magical items may be gathered as treasures.
70.  A huge eyeball 1' in diameter rises from the ground and floats 6'
up in the air. All who gaze upon the eye must save vs. petrification or
be transformed into statues of wax, wood, glass, ice, gold, lead, iron,
or salt (roll 1d8). This can only be reversed with a wish.
71.  A pyxis, a unique wooden box of intricate design, appears in place
of the bean (it must be dug up). It is worth 5,000 gp. If ever opened, a
horde of 10-100 grotesque monsters pours from it at the rate of 1-4
monsters per melee round. The pyxis can be shut only with a strength
roll to bend bars and lift gates. These monsters could include aboleths,
beholders, bulettes, giant crabs, giant crayfish, giant leeches,
otyughs, remorhaz, ropers, rust monsters, giant scorpions, shambling
mounds, slithering trackers, giant slugs, thessalmonsters, umber hulks,
and xorn; all have randomly determined hit points. If all monsters are
allowed to escape the pyxis, the person who opened the box is given one
wish (but the wish cannot undo the opening of the pyxis).
72.  Immediately after the bean is planted, a rumbling in the earth is
heard. On the round after, a herd of white-furred mastodons is seen
stampeding toward the area of the bean. How many they number and how far
away they are depends on party strength and conditions of the
environment. The mastodons have average hit points. Their tusks have
normal value for ivory.
73.  A cage like throne appears. It allows travel into the Ethereal and
Astral planes at will, for one person only. It cannot be moved from the
spot on which it appeared by any means. The throne may be used 1-4 times
before it vanishes again.
74.  This bean summons a kender handler from the DRAGONLANCE(r) setting
of Krynn. The kender may either be adopted as a normal player character,
if a player for him is available, or he may be run as an NPC. The kender
is of the same level as the rest of the party and has no magical items
or treasure-but he will soon!
75.  A hostile skeletal creature crawls out of the ground. The creature
has all of the same abilities, statistics, and possessions as the bean
planter (as per a mirror of opposition) and wears black clothing or
armor similar to that worn by the planter The beast attacks the planter
and disappears, with all its items, once slain. Only spells and attacks
from the planter affect this creature.
76.  A renegade leprechaun appears for one hour. It is dressed in red
clothing and speaks in a normal Common accent. If upset, it attacks with
its special ability to use wizards' symbols (any except a symbol of
death; useable once per round, one symbol at a time, inscribed in the
air). If given a magical item that is not cursed, the leprechaun grants
a limited wish, then vanishes.
77.  A harp floats up from the ground and plays by itself, filling the
air with a soft, gentle music. All within 60' must save vs. spells or
succumb to a magical effect (sleep, fear confusion, or other) that lasts
2d8 rounds.
78.  The ground in a 60-yard radius around the planted bean oozes with a
bubbly tan A creature must roll a strength check every round to
successfully move. Movement is cut down to one third normal in any case.
79.  A hollow sphere of iron, 30' in diameter, with the planted bean at
its center, is conjured. It will imprison any creatures within its area.
Note that half of the sphere is hidden beneath the ground.
80.  A giant oak tree grows with 10-100 acorns made of different
substances-glass, amber, chocolate, jade, etc. The value of any one
acorn is no more than 100 gp. The tree will regrow acorns normally once
all of its unusual acorns have been picked or have fallen.
81.  A wall of stone appears 500' in the air above the area where the
bean was planted, and it starts to fall. The square wall is 3" thick and
20' on a side. Though it does great amounts of damage (20-200 hp; saving
throw vs. death magic required if 50 + hp taken) to all it lands on,
only the very slow or stupid should be unable to get out of its way.
Have each character near the bean make an intelligence check on 1(120 to
notice the falling wall or its shadow and escape.
82.  A nest of 4-7 eggs springs from the ground. If an egg is eaten, a
save vs. poison must be made. The person gains a point of intelligence
if the save is successful, but dies otherwise.
83.  A pillar of stone 30' in diameter rises from the ground and lifts
all creatures in the area 100' into the air The pillar vanishes in 3-6
turns, dropping anyone on it.
84.  A simple silver headband appears on the head of the bean planter It
cannot be removed, and it reduces the character's level to zero. He
retains all acquired hit points and ability scores, but is effectively a
normal being. The person may assume a new profession and gain experience
and levels in this class. The DM may allow the character to later
perform a difficult quest for his patron deity or alignment. At the
completion of the quest, the silver headband disappears forever, and the
character can add the new experience-point total to his original
profession or keep both classes.
85.  An area 30 yards in diameter about the bean turns into a sand pit.
All creatures within that area must make dexterity checks or be drawn
all the way down to its center, wherein awaits either an ant lion of
maximum hit points, an underground cavern, or a one-day gateway to
another dimension.
86.  The bean transforms into a ball of soft pastel light that floats up
from the ground and approaches the nearest character If a character
allows the light to touch him, each item worn must save vs.
disintegration or be transmuted into non-magical glass. On the other
hand, the character gains one point to his lowest ability score.
87.  The planter becomes imprisoned within the bean. Crystal balls and
various divination spells will reveal what happened to the character The
person can be freed of the bean only by the spells wish or freedom, or
by another creature volunteering to take the character's place.
88.  The bean turns into a black-purplish gem, shooting up from the
ground and embedding itself in the bean planter's forehead, inflicting
1-12 hp damage. Thereafter; whenever the character is injured, the gem
drains any charged magical items, such as wands, within 20' of his
person. For every charge drained, the character is healed for 1 hp. Only
one charge is drained per round. This is not a voluntary power; it
occurs whether the character wills it or not. As side effects, the
character's eyes turn blood red, his fingernails grow long, his teeth
become pointed, and his hair grows white. These effects can be undone
only with a wish, but the character is otherwise unaffected.
89.  Some creatures within 120 yards of the bean shrink while others
grow (50% chance for either, no save), both by ratios of 200%. Both
effects last 12 turns.
90.  tombstone springs up with the name of the bean planter engraved on
it. The character faints for 2-8 rounds, unless aroused earlier. For 1-4
weeks afterward, he has a - 4 penalty to all saving throws against
magical fear.
91.  The bean becomes a powerful magnet, drawing all ferrous metallic
items within 60' toward it, All characters in metallic armor are held
paralyzed until helped out of the armor. Metallic items can be pulled
out of the area of effect only with strength rolls to bend bars and lift
gates. All items are considered 10 times their normal weight when being
carried from the magnet within its area of effect. The magnetic effect
ends in 24 hours. The bean then turns into a 5,000 gp gem.
92.  A disembodied fanged maw appears in the air 4' off the ground; only
the huge teeth are visible. The mouth, which cannot be harmed in any
manner, opens to reveal a small extradimensional space. Inside the space
may be a large cache of gems, several small magical items, or one
powerful magical item. Reaching in to snatch items requires a dexterity
check on 1d20. Failure indicates the mouth snaps shut on the character's
arm, inflicting 4-40 hp damage and injuring the limb so badly that only
a heal spell will restore it. Nonliving items thrust into the maw will
be bitten in half and destroyed. The mouth vanishes after 10 rounds.
93.  A rolled-up tapestry appears. Engraved within its patterns is a
symbol of death. The tapestry also shows a fairly accurate map to an
ancient, undiscovered treasure horde (but not an unguarded horde).
94.  An ogre mage suddenly appears over the planted bean and attacks the
planter of the bean. In addition to its normal powers, the ogre mage has
the ability to use any power that is used upon it. For example, it could
cast a spell previously used against it or attack several times in one
round if attacked by someone with the same ability. The ogre mage uses a
randomly determined magical polearm that may be gained as treasure.
95.  A seemingly normal apple tree grows. It holds 1d10 + 20 fruit, 2-8
of which will behave as randomly determined magical potions (not oils)
if eaten. At least one apple is poisonous. While a person picks apples,
branches in the tree quietly attempt to steal small trinkets from him.
The branches have an 80% chance to pick pockets, taking one item per
round and hiding such items among the leaves. The tree and all stolen
items vanish after one hour, though any apples picked remain behind,
staying fresh and retaining all powers for one month.
96.  A small pyramid bursts upward from the ground. If its simple
interior is investigated, a mummy with maximum hit points is found,
wielding a fully charged staff of withering and talisman of ultimate
evil. If the mummy is slain, it turns into gold dust worth 1db X 1,000
97.  A pair of bulettes with maximum hit points burrow out of the earth,
attack and devour as many victims as they can in 20 rounds, then return
to the earth. If slain, each has a magical shield of random type as one
of its back scales.
98.  The area around the bean is struck by a fire storm (as per the
seventh-level priest spell).
99.  A totem pole grows 20' into the air. A magic mouth on the pole
demands a suitable sacrifice from the bean planter. If monetary treasure
is given, the character is given a magical weapon (roll on the
appropriate tables in the DMG, page 140). If magical treasure is given,
the character is granted a wish that must be used within the hour. If a
sacrifice is not given, the pole will permanently drain two points from
the character's main attribute.
100.  A two-handed dancing sword (MV 15; TIIACO 13; #AT 1) rises from
the ground and begins striking at random targets. Though no physical
attack will harm it, it can be affected by magical attacks, such as
fireball, lightning bolt, or transmute metal into wood.
101.  Another bag of beans appears (this option is only for the most
patient of DMs and only for the last bean in the bag).
