Chime of Hunger

XP: ---
GP: --- 
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

Chime of Hunger: This device exactly resembles a chime of opening.
When i t i s struck all creatures within 6” are immediately struck with
ravenous hunger. Characters will tear into their rations, ignoring everything
else, and even dropping everything they are holding in order to eat.
Creatures without food immediately available will rush to where the
chime of hunger sounded and attack any creatures there in order to kill
and eat them. All creatures must eat far at least 1 round, but they are then
entitled to a saving throw vs. magic on each successive round until such is
made, i.e. hunger is satisfied. Note: It is recommended that the chime of
hunger operate as one of opening for several rounds of use before its
curse be put into operation.
