Eyes of Minute Seeing


Enc.: 0
IS: <crystal + 2>
XP: 2k
GP: 12,500
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

Appearing much the same as any other magical lenses,
eyes of minute seeing enable the wearer to see 100 times better at distances of 1' or less.
Thus, tiny seams, minute marks, even the impression left from writing can be seen,
thus secret compartments and hidden joints can be noted and the information acted upon.
The effect of wearing but one of these crystals is the some as given for eyes of the eagle1.

Note: Mixing eye types is certain to cause immediate insanity for 2-8 (2d4) turns.

1 "Wearing only 1 of the cusps will cause the character to become dizzy, and in effect stunned, for 1 round.
Thereafter, 1 eye must always be covered to avoid this vertigo." <footnote added>