Net of Entrapment~~


IS: <Wood or Rope, thick>
XP: 1k
GP: 7,500 
Class: C, F, T
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

Net of Entrapment: This magical rope net is so strong as to defy strength
under 20 and is equal to AC -10 with respect to blows aimed at cutting it.
(Normal sawing attempts to cut it with dagger or sword will not succeed; it
must be hacked at to sever a strand of its mesh.)
Each net is 10' square and has 0.25' mesh.
It can be thrown 20' so as to cover and close upon opponents;
each in its area must save versus magic to avoid being entrapped.
It can be suspended from a ceiling (or generally overhead) and drop upon a command word.
It can be laid upon the floor and likewise close upwards upon command.
The net stretches so as to close over an area of up to a 5' cube in the latter case.
It can be loosened by its possessor on command.
