Pipes of the Sewers

Magick Items - - - DMG

A set of these wooden pipes appear to be nothing
extraordinary, but if the possessor learns the proper tune, he or she can attract
from 10-60 (d6 x 10) giant rats (80%) or 30-180 normal
rats (20%) if either or both are within 40'. For each 5' distance the rats
have to travel there will be a 1 round delay. The piper must continue
playing until the rats appear, and when they do so, they are 95% likely to
obey the piper so long as he or she continues to play. If for any reason
the piper ceases playing, the rats summoned will leave immediately. If they
are again called it is 70% probable that they will come and obey, 30%
likely that they will turn upon the piper. If the rats are under the control of a
creature like a vampire, the chance of the piper taking control is
30% per round of piping. Once control is assumed, there is a 70% chance
of maintaining it if the other creature is actively trying to reassert its

XP Value: 1,750
GP Sale Value: 8,500