Recorder of Ye'Cind~~

GP: 80k
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

Recorder of Ye'Cind: This most magical wind instrument needs no
musician to play upon it, for the Recorder itself can play the most
complicated of airs upon command. It will always sound an alarm if anything
belonging to its possessor (including itself) is stolen while within 30'
of it, and the Recorder is able to give informotion through music to its
possessor by playing certain tunes and songs with clue words in their lyrics
if the character desires information of what has taken place within 30' of
the instrument. It is also rumored that the device can communicate other
information, as well as cast certain spells, by means of its notes. Its other
powers and effects are:
5 x I * * * * *
2 x II ** **
1 x III ***
1 x IV ****
1 x V *****
1 x VI ******




Barrataria wrote:
Sir: I was reading the DMG the other night and noticed in the description of this item that it was "made by Xagy and "Joramy 17 centuries ago". Was there some real-life object or gift that inspired this item? Or was it just a case of needing some names to fill out the stories? Same question re Recorder of Ye'Cind and Johydee's Mask...

Have a nice weekend and thanks in advance. Too bad you couldn't come out to watch the Bears pound the Raiders last week... twas a very nice day in these parts.



Nothing special in regards those names. Just an author using an opportunity to slip in some references to his family.

The nightengale was inspired by a fairy tale I happened to enjoy as a youngster...but darned if I can recall much about it now after all these years.
At the time I wrote about the magical device my daughter Elise was age 17, and now her oldest son is well past that age 

