Rope of Climbing~~
A 60' long rope of climbing i s no thicker than a slender
wand, weighs no more than 3 pounds, but is strong enough to support
3,000 pounds. Upon command the rope will snake forward, upward,
downward, or ony other direction at 1 0 per round and attach itself
securely wherever desired. It will return or unfasten itself likewise.
In any
event, one end of the rope must be held by a character when it performs
such actions. It can also be commanded to knot itself, and this will
large knots to appear at 1 ' intervals along the rope; knotting shortens
rope to 50' length while so knotted.
Note: Any magical rope which is broken or severed will immediately lose its special properties.
WSG: A protrusion must be available within range
in order for the rope to fasten itself and be useful as a climbing
aid. Use the Grappling Success
Table (see the section on Using
Rope for Movement and Climbing) to determine if a protrusion exists;
alternatively, allow a 100% chance on any non-smooth surface
and a 50% chance on a smooth surface.