Sceptre of Might~~

GP: 150k
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

Sceptre of Might: For the legendary source of the 3 Sceptres of Might, see
the foregoing section on Crown of Might. Each Sceptre has an ethic alignment
01-06 Evil
07-14 Good
15-20 Neutrality

The effects of handling a Sceptre of an ethos not a character’s own are the
same as those of a Crown. Eoch Sceptre is wrought of bronze inlaid with
silver and many fine gems, with o huge precious stone tipping its 2’ length,
giving the item a value of 150,000 or more gold pieces on the open
market. Each Sceptre functions as a Rod of Beguiling and has the following
powers and effects:
- Evil Good Neutrality
1 x I * * *
1 x II ** ** **
1 x VI ****** ****** ******

For additional powers in combination with a Crown or Orb of the same
ethic alignment, see Crown of Might.


