Stone of Good Luck~~

Aura: <Faint invocation>
XP: 3k
GP: 25k 
Miscellaneous Magic
Magick Items

This magical stone is typically a bit of
rough polished agate or similar mineral. Its possessor goins a + 1 (+5%
where applicable) on all dice rolls involving factors such as saving, slipping,
dodging, etc. - whenever a die or dice are rolled to find whether
the character has an adverse happening befall or not. This luck does not
affect "to hit" and damage dice or spell failure dice.

Additionally, the luckstone gives the possessor a +1%-10% <couldn't find symbol : means -1-10% or +1-10%, whichever is most favorable>
(at owner's option) on rolls for determination of magic items or division of treasure.
The most favorable results will always be gained with a stone of good luck.

<3 types of agate are given in the DMG:
Banded Agate: striped brown and blue and white and reddish
Eye Agate: circles of gray, white, brown, blue and/or green
Moss Agate: pink or yellow-white with grayish or greenish "moss markings"
all have a base value of 10 gp>

WSG: This object affords its possessor a +5%
modifier to his Climbing Rating and a - 1 modifier to the die roll
on any Dexterity Check or any Proficiency Check when dexterity
is the appropriate ability related to the proficiency.

Q: Will a stone of good luck affect a
character's system shock or resurrection

A: Yes, in both cases. The stone causes fate
to be a bit kinder than normal to the character,
and it makes adverse events less
likely?failing a system shock or resurrection
roll is an adverse event. However, the
effect works only for the owner and only
if the stone is on his person at the time the
revivification attempt is made. It cannot be
?given? to an already dead character (see
the DMG, page 154).