Throne of the Gods~~

GP: ---
Artifacts & Relics
<8Magic Items8>

Throne of the Gods: It is said that somewhere there is carven from the
heart of a majestic mountain a massive stone chair, inlaid with mosaics of
ivory and precious metals and set about with gems, a throne upon which
certain gods actually sat when they walked the world. The Throne
supposedly is within a great cavern, a part of the mountain’s core, so as to
be immobile and immovable. Anyone daring to seat himself or herself
upon this chair is subiect to the effects, and may gain benefits from the
Throne’s magic. It is certain, according to fables, that the Character will
gain a magic item, but in doing so he or she will also be subject to
malevolent effect. The same character cannot again gain any magic item,
but he or she can have the Throne affect him or her if the proper words and
gestures are known and followed. The powers/effects of the Throne of the
Gods are:
3 x I * * *
3 x II ** ** **
2 x III *** ***
2 x IV **** ****
2 x V ***** *****
2 x VI ****** ******

As DM you should determine which power or effect will be activated when
the character seated on the Throne grasps either arm, both, or none and
utters a command or asks that the Throne give him or her its power.


