Potion-of Treasure-Finding


Enc.: 2.5#
XP: 600
GP: 2,000

A potion of treasure finding empowers the drinker with
a location sense, so that he or she can point to the direction of the nearest
mass of treasure.

The treasure must be within 24” or less, and its mass must
equal metal of at least 10,000 copper pieces or 100 gems or any combination
thereof. Note that only valuable metals (copper, silver, electrum,
gold, platinum, etc.) and gems (and jewelry, of course) are located;
worthless metals or magic without precious metals/gems are not found.
The consumer of the potion can ”feel” the direction in which the treasure
lies, but not its distance. Intervening substances other than special
magical wards or lead-lined walls will not withstand the powers which the
liquor bestows upon the individual. The effects of the potion last for from
5-20 rounds. (Clever players will attempt triangulation.)

Appearance/Consistency: cloudy
Transparency: rainbowed (transparent)
Colour: rainbowed
Taste/Odor: brandy