Trident of Fish Command~~

Enc.: 5# <>
IS: [Hard metal] + 3
XP: 500 
GP: 4k 
Class: C, F, T
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

Trident of Fish Command: This three-tined fork atop a stout rod of 6’ length <military fork?>
appears to be a barbed military fork of some sort.

However, its magical
properties enable its wielder to cause all fish - including sharks and eels
but excluding mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and
similar sorts of non-piscine marine creatures - within a 6” radius to save
vs. magic (this uses one charge of the trident). Those which fail this
throw are completely under empathic command, they will not attack the
possessor of the trident nor any creature within 10’ of him or her, and the
wielder of the device can cause them to move in whatever direction i s
desired and convey messages of {emotion}, i.e. {fear}, hunger, anger, indifference,
repletion, etc. Fish which make their saving throw are free. of
empathic control, but they will not approach closer than 10’ of the trident.
Fish which school must be checked as a single entity. A trident of this type
contains 17-20 charges. It is otherwise a + 1 magic weapon.
