Shield, Large, includes such shields as the large Viking round shields or the Norman kite shields.
They are made of wood, covered with leather, and bordered with a soft iron banding at the edges.

Large Shields: Although a large shield such as a Norman kite shield or a large Viking round shield covers much more of the body, employing one of these shields is far more difficult,
as they are cumbersome and fatiguing.
Therefore, large shields are treated as but + 1 to AC rating without a shield.
Optionally, you may allow them to add +2 to this AC rating with respect to small (non-war engine or giant hurled)
missiles; if you do so, however, be certain that you also keep careful track of encumbrance.

COST: 15 gp
BULK: bulky

A large shield is counted against up to three attacks per round.

Shield USE:
A shield is basically a barrier between its wielder and his or her opponent.
It is used to catch blows or missiles.
It can also be used offensively to strike or push an opponent. <Shield Bash, Shield Rush>
The shield can be used fully only to the left or front of the right handed individual.
Attacks from the right flank or rear negate the benefits of a shield.

Magic Shields:
Magic shields are no less weighty than their non-magical counterparts, but they are non-bulky with respect to encumbrance.

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