<that's about the size (try for a consistent crop?) : use the original Grenadier box image, if there is one>
<the image links to aspism.htm (m is the 'suffix' for miniatures)>

<this is what is on the aspism.htm page>
<note that these counters are oversize (again, consistent sizes are needed).
the counters should be done with an eye towards (rounded to the nearest 5' cube) enlarge, reduce, giant insect, etc.
also, a small and readable ID number could be handy (use a consistent font, in different colors, for contrast & readability)
again, the sizes need to be consistent with the floorplan maps for the original 1e modules.>
<edit in Netscape 4.7 (pretty easy to move the pieces around)>
<there are some 3D representation issues. creativity, and a customized browser might be the answer>
<the .htm mini approach is ok for communicating a general idea (this is the layout of the situation)>
<4.7 is very easy, and any one can figure it out (again, a browser package, customized to 1e, is ideal>
<once a consistent system (scale) is made, site.org/a1/1.1.htm would be url for the first room of the first level of A1>
<floorplan maps could be posted there>
<that might help, if someone is going to code the situation for UA or DC>
<a variant of the UA or DC combat engine is actually one of the better solutions for minis>
<a USB hub, and PS2 controllers, something like that>
<seriously, most people can't afford, in space, time, or money, all those minis>
<however, some of them are so beautiful, they belong in museums>
<they can still be used for the grand finale, or for special encounters>
<just remember, game school : use the minis, and you could fail ...>
<hopefully, some one will put the US defense budget to some kind of a good use>

<quick minis : pre-generated HP & XP (.php?) are a possibility>
<link to #targets through the images>
    <tangent: add Compile option under File (integrate with Publish).
    Compile automatically checks all links in a selected folder, etc.)>
<note: no java ... even .php seems a little clunky ... the idea is speed of light ... .htmT3 ... epistemic(c.2000)>

<actual painted minis (original, if possible) would be used>
<in a few exceptional cases (bugbear, minotaur), the actual mini gets used for the image>
<one of the ideas is to represent as many different forms of art as psb., keep  ing functionality as a rule of thumb>
<some pages, like orcs & goblins & elves & orcs, would be kind of hard>
<there, the idea would be to sort the images by weapon types (yep, i use a random pole-arm generation system) : i think there are 20 pole-arms in the game. therefore, repeating pattern. the first 20 cells on the orc pole arm table are all different.>
<of course, apply the same principle for UA or DC minis>
<ps. for UA, i round to the nearest 5'. for example, a human takes up a 5' cube>
<that's the rule of thumb, and the base counter size is generally derived from UA, not 3e.>
<use height from the MM, and then round to the nearest 5'>
<note: some monsters might have different (3D) counters, depending on hp>

