
Standard Divine Abilities

Unless otherwise specified,
all gods and demigods have the following special abilities,
above and beyond whatever other abilities are listed:

    Command: as the spell, but lasting 2 rounds for lesser gods and 3 rounds for greater gods.
    There is no saving throw vs. this divine ability.

    Comprehend languages: as the spell, except the deity also gains the ability to speak or write the language in question.

    Detect alignment: this ability enables the deity to detect the alignment of objects or creatures with no error.

    Gate: the deity can only attempt to gate in other beings of the same mythos.

    Geas: as the spell, but with a range of 9".

    Quest: as the spell, but with a range of 9", and no saving throw.

    Teleport: this is an inherent ability which allows the deity to teleport from place to place on the same plane or from plane to plane with no error.

The above abilities function instantaneously and at will,
but not continuously.
The gods sometimes manifest surprising abilities that are not otherwise noted,
such as the power to change character's ability scores,
grant wishes (or their opposites),
or teleport others wherever they wish.
Exercise of such bonus powers falls entirely within the realm of the DM's judgement.

Saving Throws: All gods and demigods have a saving throw in all categories of 2 (i.e., only on a 1 on a d20 will they miss their save).
This is in addition to any other magic resistance, of course.
All heroes delineated in this book have saves in all categories of 3.
Gods' and heroes' saving throw numbers are irreducible regardless of magical aids and adjustments.
