FREQUENCY: Rare (very rare) (semi-tropical forests)

FREQUENCY: Rare (very rare) ([Tropical Civilized Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Civilized Hills], [Tropical Civilized Swamp])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Hills], [Tropical Wilderness Swamp])

FREQUENCY: Common ([Dungeon Level IX])

FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Astral Plane])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Ethereal Plane])

NO. APPEARING: 1 (2-5)
MOVE: 21"
HIT DICE: 12+12
% IN LAIR: 0%
TREASURE TYPE: Nil (See below)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18/2-12/2-12
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional to genius
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
SIZE: L (9' or taller at shoulder)
    Attack/Defense Modes: B, E / F, G, I
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VIII | 4900 + 18

The elephant-like baku are seldom seen in the wild, for most move
invisibly through the communities of man. On the PMP,
Baku prefer dwelling in semitropical forests, where groups of 2-5 will
sometimes be encountered. Baku hate evil and abadon their usual
timid and peace-loving nature to combat malicious monsters. In this
aspect , they secretly dwell amongst humankind and serve its interests.
Their true home is the Upper Outer Planes of Neutral. Despite size and
bulk, a baku can MOVE rapidly. Attack is by means of a goring butt and
two stomping attacks with the forelegs, the latter possible only against
opponents of man-size (or under 6 feet in height if fourlegged). A baku
can hold simple devices such as weapons or wands in its short, prehensile
trunk, so a baku will often have some magic weapon or device when

Baku have the power to become invisible at will and to remain tthus until
some action breaks the dweomer. Baku can become ethereal and travel
in this mode. They can also travel astrally. They have the following psionic powers:
12th-level animal telepathy,
6th level body control,
body equilibrium,
12th-level fighter cell adjustment,
12th-level detection of good or evil, <>
12th-level reduction,
and shape alteration.

The trumpeting roar of a baku causes all Evil creatures within a 4" radius
to take 1-8 points of damage and make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or
flee in panic as if affected by a [fear] spell from a 12th-level MU.
Baku can roar like this only once every 4 melee rounds.

Baku have elephant-like heads with a trunk of only 4 feet or so in length.
A pair of upwards thrusting tusks jut from the lower jaw, curving slightly
backwards. The forelegs are stout and rhino-like, while the rear legs are
rather leonine. The body is draconian, terminating in a shortish tail. The
back is scaled with horny plates.


predavolk wrote:
Hi Gary. What are the origins of the:

2- Baku (elephant-like NG do-er of good)

from Monster Manual 2?
Were they uniquely inspired, or are there out-of-game sources of insipration for them?

The baku is drawn from Chinese mythology, just as the ki-lin and fu dog and lion wre.


Grodog, you surely do manage to find some oldies.
Next you'll be digging up my old "Baku" expansion for Avalon Hill's Stalingrad board wargame, my first boardgame, the Battle of Arsouf, or maybe the "Conanomacy" Dippy variant I did... <EEK!>