Faerie Dragon

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest])
ARMOR CLASS: 5 (1 when invisible)
MOVE: 6" / 24" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See below
% IN LAIR: 25% (1 Faerie Dragon: forest, TPL30:5th, REF3.42)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 || 15
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, magic use
INTELLIGENCE: High to genius
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
SIZE: S (1' 1 1/2' long)
    Speaking: 90%
    Magic use: 100%
    Sleeping: 40%
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V | 280 + 4

This chaotic offshoot of the pseudodragon lives in peaceful,
tangled forests in all climes,
often with a group of sprites or pixies.

Faerie dragons can become invisible <link> at will.
They are able to attack or employ magic or breath weapons when invisible.
They attack as 4 HD monsters,
biting for 1-2 points of damage.
the faerie dragon is much more likely to us its breath weapon of "euphoria" gas.
The creature expels the gas in a 2-foot diameter spherical cloud --
just enough to give the TARGET a good dose!
A victim failing to make his or her saving throw <save> vs. breath weapon will wander blissfully about for 3-12 rounds,
during which time he or she will be unable to attack and will have an effective armor class 10% worse than normal. <link to small table at bottom>
The victim will be able to keep his or her mind on the situation and surroundings only as long as he or she makes a saving throw of intelligence or less on 1d20 during each round which the effect of the gas lasts. <ability check>
As soon as a victim fails an intelligence saving throw, <ability check>
he or she will lose interest in the matters at hand,
indicating that the gas has had its maximum euphoric effect.

The faerie dragon will never attack directly by any means unless cornered or defending its lair.
the faerie dragon will use its magic at any opportunity to wreak mischief on passersby.
Most (65%) faerie dragons will employ magic-user spells as per a magic-user of the level indicated on the accompanying chart;
35% will use druid spells.
All their spells are chosen solely for their mischief potential.
Offensive or defensive spells will never be learned unless the particular faerie dragon has thought u an exquisite prank using some such spell.
All faerie dragons will learn [water breathing] and [legend lore] at the first opportunity.
Though many faerie dragon pranks are spur-of-the-moment affairs,
months of preparation often go into a single grand practical joke.

Faerie dragons enjoy swimming and diving. <note swim speed? make link to DSG diving rules?>
They can hover and are maneuverability class A.
They eat fruit, roots, tubers, nuts, honey, and grains and may go to great lengths to get a fresh apple pie.

All faerie dragons can communicate telepathically with one another at a distance of up to 2 miles. <link: telepathy>
They speak their own language <add to DMG language table> plus the languages of sprites, pixies, elves, and the birds and animals in their area.
They frequently use forest creatures to help them in their pranks.

Faerie dragons appear as thin,
miniature dragons with long,
prehensile tails,
butterfly wings,
and huge smiles.
Their colors range through the spectrum from red for the very young to purple for ancient individuals, <add colors, here>
as shown on the accompanying chart. <link to target>
Females' hides shine with a a bright golden tinge in the sunlight,
while males have a silver tinge.

Suggested spells for faerie dragons are given below.
The DM should keep in mind that spell choice is bounded only by imagination and that a faerie dragon will never have damage to the victim as its AIM.

Magic-user Spells
1st level [dancing lights], [message], [sleep], [unseen servant], [ventriloquism]
2nd level [audible glamer], [forget], [levitate], [magic mouth], [pyrotechnics]
3rd level [fly], [phantasmal force], [slow], [suggestion], [water breathing]
4th level [fire charm], [fumble], [hallucinatory terrain], [polymorph other], [polymorph self]
5th level [distance distortion], [Mordenkainen's faithful hound], [telekinesis], [transmute rock to mud], [wall of force]
6th level [control weather], [legend lore], [project image]
7th level [limited wish], [simulacrum]
8th level [Otto's irresistable dance]

<distance distortion? conjure (earth) elemental is needed for this one ...>

Druid Spells
1st level [animal friendship], [entangle], [faerie fire], [pass without trace], [speak with animals]
2nd level [charm person or mammal], [create water], [obscurement], [trip], [warp wood]
3rd level [plant growth], [pyrotechnics], [stone shape], [water breathing]
4th level summon animal (I), [call woodland beings], control temperature within 10-foot radius, [speak with plants]
5th level [animal growth], [control winds], [transmute rock to mud]
6th level [transport via plants], [weather summoning]
7th level [animate rock]

Dragon Ages
Age Color HP Magic 
1 Very young Red 1-2 12% 2 3
2 Young Red-orange 3-4 24% 4 4
3 Sub-adult Orange 5-6 35% 6 5
4 Young adult Yellow 7-8 48% 8 6
5 Adult Green 9-10 60% 10 8
6 Old Blue-green 11-12 72% 12 10
7 Very old Blue 13-14 84% 14 12
8 Ancient Purple 15-16 96% 16 14


‘One of the best’

Dear Editor:
The Faerie Dragon in issue #62 of DRAGON
Magazine is one of the best monsters presented
ever. Especially useful was the information
on what Faerie Dragons eat and detail
of the creature’s activities. In “Pursuit and
Evasion of Pursuit” in the DMG, food is listed
as a distraction. But a monster will not stop for
any kind of food, only for those which are
normally eaten. What a creature eats should
become mandatory information for all monsters,
just like AC, treasure type, and so forth.

Jeff Kraus
Port Washington, Wis.
(Dragon #65)