Originally Posted by khyron1144
Any advice on how a ferret might level?
I gave my brother's PC a ferret as a sort of NPC buddy.
This creates some unusual situations.
Gold is being split two ways between my brother's PC and his Elf NPC buddy, but monster experience is split three ways. There was enough treasure in the first dungeon to let my brother's Thief go up to level four in one adventure, while the Elf went up a level too. The ferret is lagging by a bit. [this D&D where Elf is a charater class and there are three alignments].

I'm creative enough to come up with a solution myself, but some advice from the master is always apreciated.

There's not much advice I can give in regards the ferret--cool little critters, ferrets I assume you are increasing the familiars HP and attack chance for it's part in adventuring success.
You might also increase it's AC as it learns to move and dodge even more quickly.

As an aside, I don't think you should ever allow a PC to gain more than one level from an adventure success.

Hope that served to answer your question.
