
English Pruning Hook-Knife


Weapon Type Approximate
Weight in
Size S or M Size L   Notes  Length Space Required Speed Factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bill Hook 8 2d4 d8 derives from: [Guisarme] 6+ 2' 8 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 0 -1 -1
** DISMOUNTER! : These weapons are capable of dismounting a rider on a score =equal= to or +greater+ than the "to hit" score.

The English bill hook was almost exactly the same as the French guisarme, but its concaveD (hook) edge was the sharp one, <D><?>
and rather than a straight back spike it typically had an L-shaped tine projecting forward.
This arrangement was slightly more effective than the European [guisarme].
Pole Arms
Unearthed Arcana

<this one definitely looks like a bill hook. you can see the knife, and you can see the hook>

anonymous: http://www.timelesstools.co.uk/images/387%20glasgow%20elwell%20billhook.jpg
anonymous: http://www.edgehog.co.uk/Rich_Thomas_BillHook_Sheath/RThomas.JPG
anonymous: http://www.timelesstools.co.uk/images/brades%20cat%201.jpg
anonymous: http://www.timelesstools.co.uk/cat_pages.htm
