Axe of Hurling

Enc: 5
Aura: -
XP: varies
GP: varies
Miscellaneous Weapons
Magic Items

Axe of Hurling appears to be a normal hand axe.

With familiarity and
practice, however, the possessor will eventually discover that the axe
can be hurled up to 6” distance, and it will return to the thrower in the
same round whether or not it scores a hit. Damage inflicted by the
magical throwing attack is twice normal (2-12 vs. S or M, 2-8 vs. L),
with the weapon’s magic bonus added thereafter; for instance, an axe
of hurling + 3 will do 5-15 points of damage vs. S or M sized creatures
and 5-11 points of damage vs. creatures of size L if it hits the target after
being thrown. The same axe will do only normal damage (plus its
magic bonus) when used as a hand-held weapon. After each week of
using the weapon, the possessor has a 12 1/2% chance of discovering
the full properties of the weapon (roll of 1 on d8). In any event, the
magical properties of the weapon will be fully known to the possessor
after 8 full weeks of such familiarization.

The magical bonus of an axe
ofhurling is determined by rolling d20 and referring to the table below.
The XP value of such an item is 1,500 x.p. per each
point of magical bonus, and the gold piece sale value is 15,000 gp per
point of bonus.
Die Roll Magic Bonus XP Value GP Value
1-5 +1 1500 15, 000
6-10 +2 3000 30,000
11-15 +3 4500 45,000
16-19 +4 6000 60,000
20 +5 7500 75,000