Boccob's Blessed Book~~

C: M

Enc.: See below 
IS: Book +3 
XP: 4500
GP: 35k
Magic Items

This well-made book is always of small size.

One will typically be no more than 12 inches tall, 6 inches wide,
and 1 inch thick, and some are a mere 6 inches in height. All such
books are very durable, waterproof, iron- and silver-bound and
locked, and gain a +3 bonus on their saves (as "leather or

The pages of such a book will accept magic spells scribed
upon them, and any book can contain up to 45 levels of spells. The
book is thus highly prized by MUs of all sorts as a travelling spell book.
It is totally unlikely that such a libram will ever be discovered (randomly)
with spells written therein, because enscribed or partially
enscribed works of this nature are kept carefully by their owners.


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