Boots of Varied Tracks

Aura: -
XP: 1500
GP: 7500

The wearer of these ordinary-looking boots
is able, on command, to alter the tracks he or she makes while wearing

Boots of varied tracks have the basic power of making the
footprints of the wearer as small as those of a halfling or as large as
those of an ogre, appearing to be bare or shod as desired. In addition,
each pair has four of the following track-making capabilities:
Die Roll Track Print Left
1 basilisk
2 bear
3 boar
4 bull
5 camel
6 dog
7 giant, hill
8 goat
9 horse
10 lion (or giant lynx)
11 mule
12 rabbit
13 stag
14 tiger (or leopard)
15 wolf
16 wyvern

