Sword, Broad, "Final Word" Type


Enc: 7.5
IS: Metal, hard
Aura: -
XP: 10k
GP: 50k*

* Includes gem value.

Sword, Broad, “Final Word” Type is a very rare item -- only nine of
these blades are known to exist.

Each is patterned after the legendary
broadsword Fragarach (which means “final word” in the tongue of
the ancient Oeridians). Each of these weapons is thought to have a
differing alignment, but in all other respects each is alike. If a creature
of an alignment different from that of the sword attempts to wield it in
battle, the weapon has no bonuses. In the hands of a creature of like
alignment, the sword becomes a + 3 blade which always strikes last
in any round, but which will strike unerringlyand do damage to any opponent
that struck at the wielder earlier in the same round, regardless
of whether the opponent(s) successfully hit the wielder, up to the
wielder’s allowable number of attacks per round. (Of course, since
the weapon is a + 3 blade, opponents immune to weapons of less
than + 4 value will not be harmed.) Each of these swords has a gem of
10,000 gp value set in its pommel, and each gem is different in type
from all the others. Each sword also bears an identifying name; the
nine appellations are “Answerer,” “Back-talker,” “Concluder,” “Lastquip,”
“Rebutter,” “Replier,” “Retorter,” “Scather,” and “Squelcher.”

<Note: Fragarach is located below the Temple of Elemental Evil>
