Cloak of Arachnidia

Enc: folded = 5#, 
worn = 2.5#
IS: -
Aura: Strong (alteration)
XP: 8000
GP: 40,000

This black garment is of great magical power.

When magic is detected for, the cloak will radiate a strong aura of the
alteration sort. When wearing it, an individual will notice that he or she
is able to climb just as if a spider climb spell had been placed upon
him or her. In addition, the wearer is immune to entrapment by webs
of any sort, and can actually move in them at a rate equal to that of the
spider which created the web, or at a base movement rate of 6” in
other cases. Once per day the wearer of this cloak can cast a double-sized
web, as per the 2nd-level magic-user spell. Best of all, the
wearer is less subject to the poison of arachnids, so that he or she
gains a + 2 on all saving throws versus such poison.

Q: Can a cloak of arachnidia or cloak
of the bat be worn with plate mail?
A: Yes, or with any other type of armor.
The protective qualities of these cloaks are
not cumulative with any type of armor,