Darts of Homing
(1-2 in number)


Enc: 0.5 each
Aura: alteration & enchantment
XP: 450
GP: 4500

Darts of Homing appear to be normal projectiles, but are actually
magic weapons of + 3 value.

If magic is detected for, they will radiate a dweomer of alteration and enchantment.
If a dart of this nature hits the target it is thrown at, it will magically return to the thrower in the
same round and can be re-used. A dart of homing does 4-9 points of
damage on a successful hit against any size of creature -- a base figure
of 1-6 plus its magical bonus. If the dart misses its intended target,
it loses its dweomer. These weapons have twice the range of ordinary
darts -- 3” short, 6“ medium, and 9” long.
