Egg of Desire


Enc: -
Aura: -
XP: * See item description
GP: * See item description

There are at least five different sorts of these items,
each more strange and potent than the last.

An egg of desire is a
smallish ovoid which when placed upon its large end and touched in a
certain way will commence to rock back and forth rhythmically, issuing
a soft, chiming sound in the process. Once it is so activated, any
creature that views it must save versus spell or be affected by the
egg’s dweomer. The effect of each sort of egg is:
Black: Holds viewers permanently, unless circumstances permit a breaking of the spell or they die.
Bone: Causes viewers to place their most prized magic item before the egg, and then leave and forget what occurred.
Crystal: Causes viewers to place all the gems they possess before the egg, and then leave and forget what occurred.
Golden: Causes viewers to place all precious metals they possess before the egg, and then leave and forget what occurred.
Scarlet Holds viewers for one minute, then causes them to become enraged and attack the first living thing they see after the one-minute time limit has expired.

The viewing range of an egg is 20 feet. The effects of one can be removed
only by a dispel magic or remove curse spell. Even unintelligent
creatures can be affected by an egg, since each such item sends
signals directly to the viewer’s brain, but the Bone, Crystal, and
Golden €ggs of Desire affect creatures of under 7 intelligence differently.
These creatures will grab any magic item, gems, etc., dropped
by another victim (if such an item is present), covet what is taken, and
regard it as their most secret and valued treasure. Experience-point
values and gold piece sale values for the various types are as follows:
Black, 500 and 5,000; Bone, 900 and 10,000; Crystal, 800 and 9,000;
Golden, 600 and 4,000; and Scarlet, 700 and 3,500.
