Gloves of Missile Snaring~~

Enc.: 0.5
(0 if worn)
IS: Leather
Aura: slight enchantment  & alteration
XP: 1,500
GP: 10,000
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

These gloves radiate a slight enchantment & alteration dweomer if magic is detected for.

Once snugly worn, they seem to meld with the hands, becoming almost invisible
(undetectable unless within 5 feet of the wearer). Either or both hands
so clad, if not already holding something, can be used to actually pick
many sorts of missiles out of the air, thus preventing possible harm<l?>
and possibly enabling the wearer to actually return the missile to its
sender as an attack. All forms of small, hand-hurled or weapon-propelled
missiles (arrows, bolts, darts, <(sling)>bullets, javelins, axes, hammers,
spears, and the like) can be caught. If the weapon magically
returns to the attacker, then catching it simply prevents damage,
and returning the weapon does not result in an attack.

<WSG: +4 PT?>