
Enc: -
Aura: -
XP: varies
GP: varies

Hornblade is a magical weapon that originally appears as a sickle-like
blade resembling some sort of animal horn, ranging in size from
that of a knife to somewhat less than the length of a short sword.

Even a close visual and manual inspection is 90% unlikely to reveal it as
anything other than a piece of horn of 1/2’ to 1 1/4’ in length, set in
some sort of handle or grip. (If magic is detected for, a hornblade will
radiate a faint dweomer of the enchantment sort.) However, if the
proper pressure is applied in the correct place, a curved blade of
great strength and sharpness will spring out. The small versions
(knife-sized and dagger-sized) are usually enchanted to + 1 or + 2,
and the largest version (scimitar-sized) commonly has a bonus of + 2
or + 3. A hornblade of one of the smaller versions can be thrown, and
its bonus applies for both “to hit” and damage determination. A member
of any character class permitted to use sickle-like weapons may
use a hornblade. The magic of the weapon enables its possessor to
employ it as if it were a weapon of known type, providing that the possessor
has proficiency with a weapon in the appropriate category
(knife, dagger, or scimitar). The hornblade is retractable between
uses. The experience-point value and gold piece sale value of a
hornblade depend upon its size and the amount of its magical bonus:
Dice Result X.P. Value G.P. Sale Value
01-20 Knife-sized, +1 500 1,500
21-35 Knife-sized, +2 1,000 3,000
36-50 Dagger-sized, +1 750 2,000
51-70 Dagger-sized, +2 1,500 4,000
71-90 Scimitar-sized, +2 2,000 6,000
91-00 Scimitar-sized, +3 3,000 9,000

