Mantle of Celestian


Enc: -
IS: -
Aura: alteration
XP: 1500
GP: 15k

This garment is of black cloth -- the color of the 7th Order of clerics of Celestian.

It is otherwise unremarkable. If magic magic
is checked for, the mantle will radiate an aura of alteration. The
principal power of this wrap is to enable the wearer to exist in the cold
void of outer space. Its wearer can breathe and feel as if he or she
were in a cool, well-ventilated place where any oxygen-breathing
creature could exist. It also protects against poison gases of all sorts.
The mantle also provides + 1 on all saving throws versus electricity,
fire, and noise (including drums of deafening or panic, roaring, thunder).
The mantle is also well suited for travel, having the following

    Food:    The wearer may simply reach inside one of its
                    many pockets and find sufficient rations for one
                    person for one day; this nourishment is available once per day.

    Water:    In another pocket there will be a small ewer which
                    will provide up to seven gallons of water, pouring
                    cold or warm as the pourer commands. Such a
                    draught is obtainable once per day.

    Shelter:    The wearer will not grow cold or hot or become
                    wet or damp while wearing the mantle.

    Belongings:    The mantle has seven large and seven small
                            pockets, and only one of each are needed for food
                            and water, so the remaining 12 can be used to
                            store whatever is desired (up to 70 gp weight in
                            the small pockets or 140 gp weight in the large)
                            with no bulk, bulge, or added weight.

The mantle also has a special power which is conveyed to the wearer
only if he or she is a cleric of Celestian, whether druidical or not. This
dweomer enables the wearer to “see” the aura of any stranger met
along the way, so as to give warning of evil, neutral, or good intent.
The power is not automatically bestowed, however, for the wearer
must concentrate to sense the aura.

WSG: If every character who went on an outdoor
adventure had one of these garments, the Wilderness Survival
Guide would be a very short book. The personal temperature for a
character wearing the mantle is always comfortable; he is entirely
protected from practically any form of precipitation (including a
sandstorm); and he need never worry about dying from thirst or
starvation. However, the mantle will not protect its wearer from
impact damage (from a fall, tumble, hailstones, etc.), and it will
not keep him safe from the adverse effects of high winds; he can
still be swept away by a tornado, for instance.

Q: Can a mantle of Celestian (from
Unearthed Arcana, page 101) be
worn over a cloak of protection?
A: No, but it could be worn over a robe.