Oil of Disenchantment

Enc: 2 (0.7 empty)
IS: [potionsave] <flask>
XP: 750
GP: 3500
Magic Items

This special oil allows the removal of all
enchantment/charm dweomers placed upon living things.

If the contents
of a flask of this substance are rubbed on a creature, all enchantments
and charms placed upon it are removed. If the oil is
rubbed onto objects which bear a dweomer of the enchantment/
charm sort, this magic will be lost for 21 to 30 turns (d10 + 20); after
that time has elapsed, the oil will have lost its potency, and the item
will regain its former dweomer. The oil does not radiate any magical
qualities once it is applied, and masks the dweomer of whatever it
coats, so that an item so coated will not show any dweomer if magic is
detected for as long as the oil remains effective.
