Oil of Fumbling

Enc: 2.5
IS: [potionsave]
XP: --
GP: 1000

** The Dungeon Master must mislead the possessor of the potion so as to convice him that it is not harmful.
(See the appropriate item description for particulars.)

This viscous substance will initially seem to be of a
useful sort - acid resistance, elemental invulnerability, or slipperiness,
for instance - until the wearer is under stress in a melee combat

At that point, he or she will have a 50% chance each
round of fumbling and dropping whatever he or she holds - weapon,
shield, spell components, and so forth. Only a thorough bath of solvent
(alcohol, turpentine, etc.) will remove the substance before its
potency wears off.

WSG: This substance will not increase a character’s
chance of falling or tumbling from a precarious position unless
the user comes “under stress in a melee combat situation.” In
addition to causing the principal effect of the oil to manifest itself,
being in such a situation will require a character to make a successful
Climbing Check or Dexterity Check (whichever applies) in
any round during which he fumbles or drops a held object. If this
check is failed, the character falls or tumbles.
