Oil of Sharpness~~


Enc.: 2.5
IS: [potionsave]
XP: 100/appl.
GP: 1000/appl.
<ua8Magic Items8ua>

This magical substance resembles the fine oil
used to clean and protect metal armor and weapons.

If it is carefully
rubbed on the blade of any edged or pointed weapon, the oil will have
the effect of making it equivalent to a magic weapon. One such application
will last for 9-12 rounds. A flask of the substance will contain
from 3-5 applications. The dweomer of the oil of sharpness is determined
by die roll:
1-2 +1 to hit and damage
3-5 +2
6-11 +3
12-16 +4
17-19 +5
20 +6

