Prison of Zagyg


Class: M

Enc: -
IS: -
Aura: -
XP: 2750
GP: 2500

Only five of these brass devices are thought to exist.

Each is nearly identical, appearing to be nothing more than a
small, well-made birdcage. No amount of normal handling or examination
will reveal it to be magical, but if a detect magic spell is cast
upon one, it is 50% likely to show a vague dweomer of uncertain nature
- either no class of magic or an erroneous one will be detected.
Each prison-cage has a permanent anti-magic and non-detection
spell in and upon it. Each such item attunes itself to the magic-user
possessing it when he or she learns the wording which activates that
particular Prison of Zagyg. Speaking the activation word has two effects:
First, the door to the cage is immediately held fast by a wizard
lock spell as if the possessor had cast it, and that portal can be
opened only from the outside by a character of the magic-user profession
who can normally overcome such a wizardlock without resorting
to additional magic. Second, the cage is attuned to a single trigger
wordwhich will enable its possessor to imprison a creature within the
cage by invoking an enchantment of 1 round casting time. This command
spell must name the true name of the creature to be imprisoned,
or else its history (in great detail) in the case of creatures
without a name. If the creature being commanded into imprisonment
fails to make its saving throw versus spell, it shrinks to about foot in
height and is instantaneously transported into the cage. Since magic
does not function within the cage, the imprisoned creature cannot itself
escape. It can be freed by a magic-user able to open the door of
the device or by any other being who can do so by use of a wish or an
alter reality spell. A Prison of Zagyg cannot be harmed or affected by
the use of force or magic. Any creature inside cannot be located by
any means except actual sight or hearing due to normal proximity.
Naturally, the possessor can free a prisoner by use of a single freedom
word. Once freed, the former captive is restored to its former
size and abilities. Imprisoned creatures need neither food nor drink
when in the cage, for its magic negates the need for either.

Q: The description of the prison of
Zagyg in Unearthed Arcana (page
102) states that the possessor can
free a prisoner by use of a ?freedom
word.? What is a freedom word?
A: In this case, the freedom word is a command
word that causes the prison to-release
a captive. Command words are
discussed briefly on page 119 of the DMG.