Scroll of Protection from Plants

Enc: [protectionscrollencumbrance]
IS: [protectionscrollsave]
XP: 1500
GP: 7500
time: 1r

Protection extends 
to a 1" diameter sphere centered on the reader.  All forms of vegetable 
life, including fungi, slimes, molds, and the like are unable to penetrate 
the protective sphere.  If it is moved toward such plant life which 
is capable of movement, the plant will be pushed away.  If the protective 
sphere is pushed up against an immobile, firmly fixed form of plant 
life (such as a well-rooted shrub, bush, or tree), the sphere will NOT be 
able to be moved farther in that direction unless the reader of the 
scroll has enough strength and mass to be able to uproot the plant under 
normal circumstances.  Protection lasts for 5-8 turns (d4+4).
