Protection from Traps


Enc: [protectionscrollencumbrance]
IS: [protectionscrollsave]
XP: 2000
GP: 10,000
time: see below

Protection from Traps: There are three forms of this scroll -those
that protect from mechanical traps (50%), magical traps (30°/o), and
those that protect from any form of trap (20%).

    Mechanical: Reading time: 4 segments. Protection extends only
    to the reader. Traps of mechanical nature do not function against
    the reader, but neither are they revealed. Protection lasts for 5-20
    rounds (5d4).

    Magical: Reading time: 8 segments. Protection extends in a 1 "diameter
    sphere centered on the reader. Magical traps do not function
    against those in the area of protection, but neither are they
    revealed. Protection lasts for 3-12 rounds (d10 + 2).

    Any trap: Reading time: 1 round. Protection extends in a 1 "diameter
    sphere centered on the reader. The dweomer prevents the
    functioning of any trap, but does not reveal any that may exist
    within the protective sphere. Protection lasts for 2-8 rounds (2d4).
