Scarab Versus Golems



Enc: -
IS: -
Aura: -
XP: * See item description.
GP: * See item description.

This magical pin enables its wearer to detect
any form of golem within 6”, although he or she must actually
concentrate upon such detection for it to take place.

Furthermore, the
scarab will enable its possessor to actually combat a golem, with
hand-held or missile weapons, as if it were a normal monster, i.e. hit
and damage as if the golem had no special defenses. The power of
the scarab is effective against any lesser golem created by the 5th level
clerical spell golem, and each item has particular protective abilities
as follows:
Type(s) of Golem 
Affected by Scarab
Point Value
Gold Piece 
Sale Value
01-30 Flesh 400 3200
31-55 Clay 500 3500
56-75 Stone 600 4000
76-85 Iron 800 5000
86-95 Flesh, Clay, Wood 900 6000
96-00 Any golem 1250 12,500

